Other than volunteering, what are other extracurriculars that makes an applicant unique on a college application?
I already know that volunteering is an important extracurricular activity, but what are other important activities to consider? I am a part of a few clubs at school, play the piano, and volunteer at an elderly center, but what are some activities that can set me apart from other candidates? Also, I'm not the most financially situated being, and the summer programs that universities offer are awfully expensive. I love helping other people, I enjoy writing, I love animals, I love reading, and I enjoy learning history.
3 answers
Matthew’s Answer
Daniella, thanks for this question; it's certainly relevant for your current season of life. The extra-curricular activities you mentioned are good - various clubs at school, volunteering, etc. If at all possible, it's worth the effort to explore participating in a school sport. Actively maintaining a role with a sports team will look favorably on your college applications, simply because sports require a fair amount of time each week. If you can uphold some strong grades AND play a sport while volunteering and participating in clubs, you've got a very strong application in the works! Please don't worry so much about college summer programs. Yes, they're often quite expensive and may not necessarily provide you with the best experience for the cost. If you can afford them, great; if not, don't let that sway you from doing the best you can in other things!
Also, the more you can offer a personal glimpse of who you are in your college application, the more you'll distinguish yourself from other applicants. Think of something unique you've experienced or some obstacle you were forced to overcome somehow (i.e., parents' divorce, loss of a friend or loved one, some kind of financial hardship, etc.) The more you're willing to share about the way you've persevered, the more likely you'll stick out from other college admissions' applications.
Best of luck!

Rebecca Beyer Shark
Rebecca’s Answer
Volunteering is great. Activities at your school also help as does having a part-time job. Playing a sport or an instrument looks good too. You don't have to have all of these things, but you should have something on your application that shows you are able to balance your academics and outside activities.
Stacey’s Answer
Entrepreneurship / entrepreneurial spirit and leadership positions. Have you started your own business or program? Have you been president, captain or co-captain of an organization? These types of experiences can make you stand out from the competition.