What kind of career(s) integrate math and/or science with art?
I am currently a sophomore in high school and am really interested in art. Although I would like to be able to just focus on art in the future, it sounds too risky to try to make a living by just drawing and painting. I also really enjoy math and science, and would be very interested in pursuing these subjects in my future, but I would love to somehow find a way to combine art with either/both of them. Therefore, I was wondering what kind of career possibilities are there for people interested in these fields? I've thought about things like graphic design and architecture, but I want to know what else is out there.
Thanks in advance!
4 answers
Vivian’s Answer
Hi Sage,
Sounds like you have some great subjects you want to pursue. There are events and art communities that support that. One of the biggest ones is called Zero1.org. It's a Bi-Annual event that takes place in San Jose and it gathers artists, designers, environmentalists, scientists, creative thinkers, and more to collaborating on artwork that challenges the world. I was able to take place in a cool project called Climate Clock – a 100 year project that tracks the climate and records it for the public to see. (http://climateclock.wordpress.com/). There are a lot of potential for people interested in multiple fields, like the ones you mentioned. :)
Good luck, VIvian
Christopher’s Answer
One place that marries mathematics and art is the field of computer animation. Check out this paper from last year's SIGGRAPH (the ACM special interest group on graphics): https://disney-animation.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/production/publication_asset/94/asset/SSCTS13_2.pdf (video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H1gRQ6S7gg ) ...It's the mathematics they used to create the realistic snow for Disney's "Frozen". Video Games, movies, advertising, etc. all use this kind of technology.
Verified’s Answer
Possibly Medical Illustration. Or writing and illustrating scientific processes, anatomical, etc. With so much information to share, I think that your skills and interests would be very helpful in describing complex scientific information in a way that people of all levels can understand. The ability to visually describe something is a very valuable talent.