I want know the difference between business economy and finance, which one is more beneficial and why?
I am majoring in business and want to pursuit an economic career, but I still have some questions because I am not sure if I am doing well #business #accounting #economics
3 answers
Lingjie Qiao
Lingjie’s Answer
Paul’s Answer
When I was in college I majored in Economics and minored in Finance. The two go hand in hand because you have to take into the consideration the current economic environment as well as future expectations to make better informed financing decisions. In my opinion, you can't have one without the other. Economics is more of a big picture way of looking at things. A particular investment will perform differently in various economic cycles (growth and contraction) and business cycles (expansion and recession). Finance generally involves researching the specific details of a particular company or investment in hopes that its rate of return will exceed expectations. In other words, you hope to make a profit. So in conclusion, I wouldn't say one is more beneficial than the other but if you want to become an economist, focus on courses that revolve around macro and micro economics
Richard’s Answer
Pros of business:
financial compensation
autonomy over many aspects of your life
work can potentially be intellectually challenging
Pros of economics:
almost certainly intellctually challenging, if perhaps less than relevant at times
Broad range of optionality