5 answers
what is the biggest challenge that you have faced in high school and how did you handle it? What did you learn from the experience?
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5 answers
ted’s Answer
The biggest challenge in high school is time management. For many students it is their first exposure to independence as it related to a daily schedule. Structuring time and a consistent process is the ideal way to handle this freedom.
Dhurga’s Answer
The biggest challenge is to understand one’s own efficient study method. This helps to perform better which may or may not take some time due to trial and error method.
The biggest challenge is to understand one’s own efficient study method. This helps to perform better which may or may not take some time due to trial and error method.
Sara Beth’s Answer
My biggest challenge in high school was balancing my schedule. It can be difficult to find the time to complete classwork, extracurriculars, college prep, social activities, and self-care. To overcome this challenge, I recommend prioritizing your tasks and creating a schedule to stay on track. Also remember that while these activities may feel stressful now, it is important to keep perspective by focusing on what will matter most to you in the long-run.
Carly’s Answer
The biggest challenge I faced in high school was stress management. I always found it overwhelming having to balance my club activities, classwork, and the college process with maintaining a healthy lifestyle (getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well). It took a lot of time management to help myself stay organized and focused. It is important to remember to take things one at a time and to prioritize your physical and mental well being. Making an agenda and factoring in time for your health is helpful.
Mounia’s Answer
My biggest challenge in high school was learning to manage my time between my studies and extracurricular activities that I had. Not to mention the bad sleeping habits due to lack of stress management. I learned a lot from these challenges by being very organized. Every morning I write down the list of tasks I need to accomplish, and I do them one by one. I can anticipate in advance how long it will take and manage to do everything I planned for my day.