What is your favorite part about this job as a engineer?
I a high school student who wants to learn about this job. #engineering
3 answers

Jen Taylor

Jen’s Answer
Good question. I have had 2 engineering positions in telecommunications. In my first role I was working from a desk making a lot more money with a very long commute working in more of a team environment. My second position is in the field which is more independent work and I enjoy this way more. I start my day working from home, have a company vehicle and my work week is over 12 hours shorter. Although I miss the pay my benefits are better also. The work load itself is very similar but I am happy not working from a desk looking at a computer all day. My favorite part is being able to work from home and not being stuck in the office all day. I have a lot more schedule flexibility and free time. These things can be very valuable after having a 1 hour commute each way. My second favorite part is fixing things that are broken. I like being hands-on. Therefore picking the right work environment can be as rewarding as the actual work. Know where you want to plant your feet and you will like your job even more!
Frank’s Answer
Hi Elton, Engineering is an immensely broad field, but I'll try and answer your question in general terms. Basically, I enjoy making things that help people! Most of my work is in software, so I'm writing testing programs that confirm the services my company provides to students are working reliably and are helpful to them. Most engineers will work on some product, service, or construction that will be used by a lot of people, so it's important to realize that people are counting on what we make and that it should provide a real benefit to them!