4 answers
4 answers
Herman’s Answer
Great businessmen/business women create transactions that benefit all participants.
What transactions have you put together that benefit all parties involved?
The more you are able to do this the more successful you will become.
What transactions have you put together that benefit all parties involved?
The more you are able to do this the more successful you will become.
Bridget’s Answer
Stock and Stock trading can be done without formal education. When you state "Business Man", you need to clarify what kind of "Business" you are interested in investing in stock can mean you are investing in lots of different publically traded companies. Those who have a formal business education and degree can tell you that "Stocks and Stock Trading" are not part of that education, so although a business degree can be helpful in getting your foot in the door as a business developer, it does not mean that you wont need more information, a degree will help you understand how business works but may not improve your chances at being a trader or financial advisor without specific training. Stock and the Stock Exchange and activily trading stocks are all very different. Anyone with Savings or Disposable income and trade on the stock exchange, via TD Ameritrade, NerdWallet, EZtrade etc. You can get a broker to help you invest in stock or you can do it yourself. There are online courses, that can give you tips on how to start and you can trade cash, bitcoin, and other items, it all depends on the type of trading you want to do as "Stock" is a nontangible, it loosly represents ownership or "option of stock" in a tangible product. Although Netwroking can help you meet people in the industry, and will undoubtedly be a skill you will need in any business - becomming a business man is too broad and I would suggest Entrpreneure may be a better title if your goal is to own your own company. The most importnant advice I can offer is, if and when you start investing and if you are successful to make money while doing it, remember to PAY YOURSELF by setting up a company and actually give yourself a paycheck.