What state requirements do I need to be able to own and develop a business?
I want to be able to own my own business so I can introduce myself to the world. I want to start a little at a time. #entrepreneurship #business-development #small-business
#career-specific #personal-development
3 answers
Kushaan’s Answer
Most states have conditional requirements based on what type of business you're operating. You can google "Register business with state of XXX" to determine the resource for this information. It will typically be available on the Secretary of State's information.
Hector’s Answer
This would depend on the type of business that you want to open. Regulations vary by type of business and what State you want to operate in.
Do you have an idea as to what type of business you are interested in opening and in what State?
Jodie’s Answer
As mentioned, each state has their own requirements (which will include if/how to register with the Federal government as well). Here is the web address for new small business owners for NC, and their phone number is 1-800-228-8443