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How do you make valuable connections in the IT field in order to make progress?

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16 answers

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Rebecca’s Answer

Hi, I am glad that you are interested in IT fields and would like to establish some connections.
Below are a few suggestions :
1. Join the computer society in your school
2. Participate the events (e.g. seminars, exhibitions, etc.) hosts by local Technology organization
3. Explore any intern opportunities in Technology companies
4. Participate the online technology forums
In addition to establish connection, you may also need to keep yourself up to date on the latest technology. Technology is a fast changing business. You could subscribe some IT News update and keep an eye on IT News website from time to time.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
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Rashvith’s Answer

Hi Everyone, Building professional connections is one of the most important part for an individual. Networking helps you find new job opportunities, build better relationships, rapport, expand your knowledge and skillsets, and has many more advantages to it.
How to you make valuable connections?
1) By participating or attending conferences, seminars, industry related summits, etc, (related / interested fields). These activities help you connect with similar ideas / thought process individuals.
2) Show gratitude to your connections when you are with them. When you recognize or appreciate people, the relationship will continue and remains strong.
3) Be outspoken. Initiate conversations and start small talks with other people. Find common interests that will extend your conversations outside of these forums.
4) In this pandemic, everything is virtual. So it is important to create a professional online presence and you will also need to know how to market yourself online. Enhance digital / social media skills to approach people.
I hope my answers are useful.
All the best!
Thank you comment icon Thank you I appreciate Ezekiel
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Andrew’s Answer

Hi Salvador, there are already are number of very good responses to your question. I have been in the IT industry for over 20 years and arguably the best way to make connections globally is LinkedIn. In my opinion, it is still the best tool to network with professionals globally, but it's not the only tool.

Prior to the pandemic there were many networking groups out there based upon people's areas of interest who met on a regular basis (typically monthly or quarterly). Websites like are a great place to find interesting discussions you can attend in a city near you where you can meet like minded professionals. There would typically be a presentation and/or demo of some kind followed by a networking session. Like everything else, those sessions have gone virtual unless local restrictions allow for in person gatherings.

I am not sure how many years of experience you have but people are always looking for value when networking. What can you teach them they don't know? Are you connected to someone they would like to meet? Have you solved a problem they are facing today?

Everyone is busy but people will almost always invest the time for others if there is perceived value.

Best of luck.
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Aquiles’s Answer

When you are thinking on creating a new connection, you need to know that it is about value, what value do you offer and what value do you get from that new connection. Think how meaningful will the relationship be from different angles, try to reach people who is in the same field of interest/knowledge where you are right now and start expanding your network.

The best advice I can give you is that always give a good impression and always give great results on what you are doing, that´s the best way to build a solid professional network.

@BMCcares @careervillage BMCCares MLKdayofservice

Aquiles recommends the following next steps:

Identify what is the value you offer to your desired connections and start working with that.
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Glenn’s Answer

LinkedIn is the 2nd largest company in the world and the largest business-to-business (B2B) country in the world. Making connections on LinkedIn is easy, just connect with someone. If they respond start a conversation, if not move on to the next IT Professional. I know you are social so get social with businesses that you might want to work for or people that are in your field of interest. It's easier that you think, just be yourself and be honest about your ask. Good luck and good job hunting.
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Gregory’s Answer

They key is to create partnerships. To often, when we work with IT we are only interested in solving for our immediate issues. I have found that by assisting IT with their requests we are a team that is collaborating and supporting one another. Pre-pandemic, we had IT in many of our locations for hands on workshops where we were sharing ideas on how improve efficiency and our processes. Getting to know your IT team and making a concentrated effort to support them is critical for both sides. I also agree that conferences and training are important for making the right connections.
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dave’s Answer

LinkedIn Is a good place to start

you can also look online for IT user groups and focus in on something that you are really interested in

connecting with some IT recruiters may also help

good luck!!
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Yves’s Answer

Hi Salvador,

pretty good input for you here. I add

- specialization, can you offer something to people which is valuable to them?
- being a people-person, caring of what is important to them, listening to them not to answer but to understand
- being authentic and genuine

By sharing your knowledge with an appealing personality will connect you with a lot of people who share your field of interests.
But you can't force it. Start practicing it by e.g. giving everybody you meet tomorrow an honest smile and see how people react.
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Daniel’s Answer

Hi, Here are a few insights on networking and making valuable connections .
Networking is a valuable way to find job opportunities and obtain positions. Individuals in your everyday life including friends, family, classmates, professors, supervisors, co-workers, and members of professional associations within your industry can be helpful resources during your search.

Some suggested ways to network are:
1. Attend Career Fairs
2. Create a LinkedIn profile - LinkedIn is a great way to search for and connect with employers in your field of interest.
3. Join a club or student organization and network with peers – Seniors may be able to share information about their own co-op experiences and connect you with recent graduates working in a career field you are interested in.

The more people you can connect with, the better. The connection can be through email, phone, or social media, but talking to someone face-to-face has the potential to make a lasting impression. Start with what is comfortable for you and then expand your methods of outreach. People will not know your skills or interests, your career goals, your co-op job search process, or your questions unless you make the effort to tell them. Networking takes time, but most often it will yield the best results in your job search. You will need to be your biggest fan and advocate in your job search – be ready to showcase your skills and promote your experiences when the situation calls for it.
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Jason’s Answer

One thing that doesn't look like it's been mentioned is look for user group meetups for the technology that interests you and attend those. They can be a great place to meet others in the industry that are passionate about the same stuff you are.
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Mickael’s Answer

Hi salvador,
"How do you make valuable connections in the IT field in order to make progress?"

Simple answer, by working with people.

As a student, the next question is "how in the world do I do that?"
My asnwer will probably match other's:
- apply to internships and work for people in the industry
- meet people in workshops. I am not totally sure that conferences are great way to make valuable connections because as a student, you may need to prove yourself to professionals and conferences are not necessarily the best place (for me)
- be part of professional social application like LinkedIn
- if your school offers some club when you work for the industry, be part of it.
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Bradley’s Answer

One of the best things you can do is become certified in an IT field of your choice. This is will give you access to peers who can help out. I highly recommend it. Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice, Bradley. Ezekiel
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Davana’s Answer

Hi, its great to see that you are interested in IT field. Communication is the key towards networking and networking helps you find new job opportunities, connect with people, build better relationships, expand your knowledge and skillsets
following are the few suggestions
1. Make best use of soft skill training's that are provided in the college.
2. Be a part of student organization and start networking with your peers
3. Attend carrier fairs - excellent place for networking
4. Create your linked-in account and Keep it up to date
5. Develop the skill set required for the job that you wish to do
6. Explore any intern opportunity-more effective way to understand the tech world and to get job

I hope this answers your question.
All the best!
Thank you comment icon I appreciate your support, Davana Ezekiel
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Craig’s Answer

I recommend finding out if there are opportunities at your current job to shadow IT reps. Other than than enroll in I.T, related classes, as these will give you some of the certifications needed and possible referrals based on the class.
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Sameer’s Answer

In addition to various suggestions made above, do the following two things:
- Keep your profile up-to-date on LinkedIn
- Add all your professional certifications with numbers etc on LinkedIn
- slowly develop your network there and build a regular communication with your network members
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Christopher’s Answer


When you start in your IT career, make it a personal goal to either get promoted within 3 years or make a move to another company. By moving from 1 company to another, you will organically grow your connections in the industry. Before you know it, you will have several connections spread out at many different companies. Best of luck.