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Are you perplex a lot about your future?

How to find specific plan in life? #future

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5 answers

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Debbie’s Answer

I advise you to read a lot or try out different hobbies or join different a wide range of clubs and activities to find out what you are drawn to doing. Please pay attention to different events happening in your area and attend them. It's all about discovering a lot of volunteer opportunities and starting new hobbies in order to get to know what you really want to do; it's the only way for you to find out what's interesting for you to do. I advise you to always be active and proactive in trying out anything new until something holds your interest.

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Rebecca’s Answer

No one can predict the future except God. Be optimistic. You explore more different areas or hobbies, e.g. do research online, read books, join interest groups in school, etc. This can give you more insight on what you want to become in the future.

Then, after identifying a few areas you are interested on, you can find out more or try any part time or internship in that area.

Hope this help!
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Bhavya Raju’s Answer

I get you. Along with Debbie's answer - I think being ready for change and building habits of resilience , being curious and perseverance at things you like - will help.

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Simeon’s Answer

I would look up fast growing fields and jobs on the department of labor's website and see which ones feel like a good fit for you. You don't have to do one of these jobs, but they're a good starting point if you are drawing a complete blank. At the very least, saying no to some of these jobs will form an idea in your head of your job preferences. Unless you have a specific desire for a field such as law or medicine, I would recommend diversifying the kind of jobs you're qualified for if possible. It's useful to have at least two different industries you can go to if you need to.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Ena,

Crafting Your Personal Life Blueprint

Planning your future can sometimes be a daunting task, filled with uncertainties. But don't worry, there are several steps you can take to crystallize your aspirations and design your own unique life blueprint. Here's how you can do it:

Introspection: Begin by delving into your values, interests, strengths, and areas for improvement. Think about what brings you joy and what ignites your passion. This introspection can guide you towards potential career choices or life ambitions that resonate with your true self.

Establish clear and precise objectives: With a deeper understanding of your interests and values, it's time to establish clear and precise objectives. Instead of a vague aspiration like “I want to be successful,” try to articulate what success signifies to you. Whether it's reaching a specific career milestone, starting a family, or making a positive impact in your community, the more precise your objectives, the easier it will be to devise a plan to reach them.

Investigate: Once your objectives are set, conduct some research to understand the steps needed to achieve them. For instance, if you aspire to be a software engineer, explore the educational prerequisites, necessary skills, and job prospects in this field. This research will help you devise a feasible and actionable plan.

Design a roadmap: Based on your findings, design a roadmap or timeline to reach your objectives. Break down each objective into smaller, manageable tasks and set a deadline for each. This strategy will help you stay organized and driven as you strive to reach your goals.

Seek advice and encouragement: Don't hesitate to seek advice and encouragement from others as you plan your future. You might want to consult with a career counselor, mentor, or a trusted friend or family member who can provide guidance and motivation. Joining clubs, organizations, or online communities related to your interests or objectives can also be beneficial.

Embrace flexibility: Remember, life is full of surprises, and it's crucial to remain adaptable as you strive towards your objectives. Stay open to new possibilities and be ready to modify your plan if necessary. Maintain a positive and tenacious attitude, and remember that stumbling blocks are a natural part of the journey.

Get started: Lastly, the most crucial step in designing your unique life blueprint is to take action. Begin working towards your objectives today, even if it's just small steps at first. Every bit of progress is valuable, and before you know it, you'll be well on your way to realizing your dreams.

May God bless you on your journey!
James Constantine.