10 answers
Translated from Filipino .
Ano Po ba mga tips para maging accountant
What are the tips to become an accountant
#accountant #accounting #business
10 answers
Sean’s Answer
Despite everyone else saying that grades, integrity, and the usual academia style answers are important. I honestly wish someone told me before I became a CPA that "its not what you know, its who you know." That wouldve saved me 4 years. I also wish someone told me that your learning never stops. You have to constantly compete with your competitors to stay relevant via learning and training. One bad year could result in a derailment.
Marcos’s Answer
In order to become an accountant you have to do the following;
1. you will need a bachelor's in accounting
2. if you want to sit for your CPA exam, you will need to look at your state's requirements in order to appropriately meet those requirements before you sit for the CPA exam
3. I highly recommend taking an internship or two with companies of interest in order for you to gain the knowledge and expertise that employer's want - this will make you very marketable.
Overall, I suggest you create a plan. Do you want to take your CPA? Do you want to work in government, tax, corporate, public, audit, etc. These are questions you will need to think about in order to be placed in the correct job you are trying to have that fits your professional asperations.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!
1. you will need a bachelor's in accounting
2. if you want to sit for your CPA exam, you will need to look at your state's requirements in order to appropriately meet those requirements before you sit for the CPA exam
3. I highly recommend taking an internship or two with companies of interest in order for you to gain the knowledge and expertise that employer's want - this will make you very marketable.
Overall, I suggest you create a plan. Do you want to take your CPA? Do you want to work in government, tax, corporate, public, audit, etc. These are questions you will need to think about in order to be placed in the correct job you are trying to have that fits your professional asperations.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!
Sam’s Answer
First, accountant is considered as a professional, similar to an attorney, doctor, dentist, etc. It simply means that it is best of your interest to get certified (though it is not a requirement.) Each state has different mandates or requirements in order to take the examination. The examination has different parts and challenges. In general, you would have to study accounting as a major either in university of community college. It typically requires 30 hours of accounting classes. In some cases, you would have received a business degree, in Finance, rather than accounting major. Yet, you are still able to apply for an accounting position. However, you may be considered as book keeping. You may also consider to learn some system applications, such as Blackline, or SAP. You also possibly need to have some excel skills. Good luck.
Madi’s Answer
Hi Richell,
I see that you are located in the Philippines so I'm not sure if the process is different (I'm located in New York, USA). In NY, you must first obtain your Bachelor's degree in Accounting. After you obtain that degree, you can go on to become an accountant. However, a lot of people opt to get their Master degree in Accounting or a related field so that they can obtain 150 credits. 150 credits is needed to be able to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). You have to then pass 4 exams regarding different accounting and business related subjects, meet the experience requirements, etc to obtain your license as a CPA.
It is important to note that you do not need a Master's degree or CPA license to be an accountant. However, if you do go down that route, it will increase your opportunities.
I see that you are located in the Philippines so I'm not sure if the process is different (I'm located in New York, USA). In NY, you must first obtain your Bachelor's degree in Accounting. After you obtain that degree, you can go on to become an accountant. However, a lot of people opt to get their Master degree in Accounting or a related field so that they can obtain 150 credits. 150 credits is needed to be able to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). You have to then pass 4 exams regarding different accounting and business related subjects, meet the experience requirements, etc to obtain your license as a CPA.
It is important to note that you do not need a Master's degree or CPA license to be an accountant. However, if you do go down that route, it will increase your opportunities.
Dana’s Answer
I'm an Accounting major and have an internship this summer at one of the Big 4! Coming from my personal experience, I would say you grades have to be decent. It doesn't have to be the best, but effort in maintaining a good grade is important. Besides grades, they like to see you being involved in extracurriculars. They want to see on your resume that you are always doing something. Also, having connections with people is crucial. Knowing professionals is one of the most crucial things in getting that offer!
Megan’s Answer
The number one thing is to understand that you'll always be learning. You should listen to your leadership when they are coaching you or your other colleagues. You should not be afraid to ask questions, but you should come with questions you've thought through and a proposed plan or solution. You will always learn. Another good tip is to stay on top of guidance related to reporting, valuation and tax, it is always changing.
Marissa’s Answer
Hi Richell,
I feel like this answer could vary depending on what area of accounting you are referring to but in general, I would advise to develop strong organizational, management, and communication skills which are all key to helping you become a good accountant. In addition, I would advise to take all of your accounting classes seriously as they are the foundation to what you will base your career on as well as prepare for the CPA exam. I would absolutely advise to take the CPA exams as early as you can before you start working if that is possible. You would then be able to focus on your job once you start instead of trying to manage studying!
I feel like this answer could vary depending on what area of accounting you are referring to but in general, I would advise to develop strong organizational, management, and communication skills which are all key to helping you become a good accountant. In addition, I would advise to take all of your accounting classes seriously as they are the foundation to what you will base your career on as well as prepare for the CPA exam. I would absolutely advise to take the CPA exams as early as you can before you start working if that is possible. You would then be able to focus on your job once you start instead of trying to manage studying!
Haley’s Answer
Hi Richell,
Many accountant obtain certifications like CPA, CMA, or CIA. Although these are not needed in order to work in the field of accounting they will help to increase opportunities and promotions later in your career. I believe the first step would be to find a bachelor's program that focuses on accounting. Many accountant go on to get their Master's degree as the CPA and other certification require 150 credits (depending on the State you live in) to sit for the exam.
My track to becoming an accountant was to obtain my Bachelor's and Master's degree in a 5 year program. If you are able to find a similar program I highly recommend as it saved me money and time to receive the required credits to sit for the CPA exam. This program gave me interviews with all of the Big 4 accounting firms in which I was able to intern with one. This lead to a full time offer with the same firm. As I had good grades in order to achieve the internship it all comes down to being positive employee and always willing to learn. The field of accounting is a fluid and always changing career (especially in the tax field). But this means there will always be jobs in the field of accounting!
Hope this helps and goodluck!
Many accountant obtain certifications like CPA, CMA, or CIA. Although these are not needed in order to work in the field of accounting they will help to increase opportunities and promotions later in your career. I believe the first step would be to find a bachelor's program that focuses on accounting. Many accountant go on to get their Master's degree as the CPA and other certification require 150 credits (depending on the State you live in) to sit for the exam.
My track to becoming an accountant was to obtain my Bachelor's and Master's degree in a 5 year program. If you are able to find a similar program I highly recommend as it saved me money and time to receive the required credits to sit for the CPA exam. This program gave me interviews with all of the Big 4 accounting firms in which I was able to intern with one. This lead to a full time offer with the same firm. As I had good grades in order to achieve the internship it all comes down to being positive employee and always willing to learn. The field of accounting is a fluid and always changing career (especially in the tax field). But this means there will always be jobs in the field of accounting!
Hope this helps and goodluck!
John’s Answer
I would suggest thinking about the other aspects of a job other than the main functions. For example, a big part of being a programmer might be being able to work on your own, whereas a big part of accounting, and most jobs is working with people and communicating effectively, although these skills would be useful in any job. To get into accounting, you pretty much need to have a college degree in Accounting. Beyond that, you can do whatever you choose; accounting is a large field with many options.

Anthony Kofi Hene-Amoah
Translation, Editing, Project Management, Research and Evangelism
Jema, Brong Ahafo Region
Anthony’s Answer
Please, note the following about
becoming an accountant :-
1. Consider the goal/goals.
2. Consider the extent of
you have in becoming an
( Accounting institutions, etc.).
3. Virtues of honesty, integrity,
faithfulness, transparency, etc.,
are needed in the
accounting profession.
Best wishes to you.
becoming an accountant :-
1. Consider the goal/goals.
2. Consider the extent of
you have in becoming an
( Accounting institutions, etc.).
3. Virtues of honesty, integrity,
faithfulness, transparency, etc.,
are needed in the
accounting profession.
Best wishes to you.
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