3 answers
How much training to you need to be a cashier.
#customer severice
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3 answers
Raquel’s Answer
It would depend on the job, most fast food jobs usually train for one shift and then let you work on your own, whereas retail jobs often have several online training activities that need to be completed before on-the-job training, but then it's still usually only one or two shifts of training before working solo. All training you need will be completed upon hire at whatever job you get.
Adam’s Answer
Many jobs offer on-the-job training for cashier roles, making it pretty straightforward to get the hang of things. Plus, you might want to think about work-from-home customer service jobs. They're quite similar, but can be incredibly fulfilling. Plus, the pay is usually just as good, if not better!
Teresa’s Answer
You will usually get the hang of it after a few shifts.