2 answers
what are some things in facilities maintenance that take time getting used too.
I would also like to know some things that will help me in a job after trade
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2 answers
Tony’s Answer
I lead a team of facility managers for a large company. I would sat there a few things that you want to make sure you have when supporting a site or multiple sites with employees/customers in them. Be patient- as your clients are likely frustrated by the service interruption that you need to address. Be Proactive- don't put off up keep maintenance. Anticipate and plan so that you limit unplanned events/issues. Finally- depending on that type of company you work for and the role you have- there is a good chance that you will be on call late nights and or weekends. Be flexible and available. One last item- your key roles are to prevent issues and when they occur to have urgency and a thoughtful approach to resolving them. Be the calm confident one in the room- while others are freaking out.
Best of luck to you!
Best of luck to you!
Stephen’s Answer
Call outs. Being ready to do stuff in a hurry to get things running again. Theres satisfaction In fixing things but stress involved as well. Not compromising safety for production(making sure the facility keeps producing products)
Maintenance isn’t always respected because it isn’t production related but in demand when something is broken.
Maintenance isn’t always respected because it isn’t production related but in demand when something is broken.