Where can I get more information about the industry of digital marketing?
Hi! If I want to know more about the latest information prospects or salaries, which website should I visit?
thanks #digital-marketing
7 answers

Reena De Asis
Reena’s Answer
I would peruse the website https://www.marketingprofs.com and also sign up for their elist. Their content is insightful. You might find this post useful as well: http://www.smartinsights.com/marketplace-analysis/customer-analysis/digital-marketing-statistics-sources/ Best Wishes!

Adam Fisher
Adam’s Answer
I would start with glassdoor to see salaries
Leszek’s Answer
There are huge number of resources online that relate to Digital Marketing . A search on Google will bring up a tonne! However, two that I really like are www.econsultancy.com. and https://www.abetterlemonadestand.com/. Both have a bunch free content on a huge number of topics.
Also - get to know the "technology" side of the business, as marketing technology is where most of the latest changes in the industry are occurring - look at suppliers websites like Adobe to see what solutions are available to marketing companies (look at their marketing suite)
As far as salaries go - “The Up Group” (http://www.theupgroup.com/2016/12/2016-digital-leaders-remuneration-guide/), and a report from CranberryPanda (http://www.cranberrypanda.co.uk/ecommerce-salary-survey) - would answer most of your questions. These are UK specific but there wouldn't be huge difference between countries.
Michael’s Answer
I try using www.glassdoor.com to find information about salaries from particular companies. The website also contain job opportunities. wwwLinkedIn.com might also provide some of the information you are looking for. LinkedIn is a great website for professional networking and gaining information about companies.

Amy Kolzow
Amy’s Answer
I would start by talking to people who have a job like one you think you would like to have...
If you're serious about a career in digital marketing, I would tell you that a lot of the work that gets put into this category has a strong technical requirement. If you understand how programs are put together to support marketing automation projects and websites and related items, you will be ahead of many. If you can even do simple HTML coding or work well in programs like Photoshop and Illustrator, you will have a skill that will likely give you a step up. Many people who want to do digital marketing don't think about what it takes to put all the pieces together behind the scenes and the technical requirements that go along with these items. Don't forget to learn about this and you'll be ahead.
Best of luck!
Monica’s Answer
MarTech - https://martech.org/
Moz - https://moz.com/blog/category/moz-news
Search Engine Journal - https://www.searchenginejournal.com/category/news/
Monica recommends the following next steps:
Sarah’s Answer
If you are looking to get info about agencies and the salaries in the market for certain positions, check-out Glassdoor, LI and etc. They bigger organizations do a good job doing a census/survey of the market and can provide good broad level information about salaries.