2 answers
2 answers
Lisa Suiter
Actively exploring new opportunities in Case Management, Legal Nurse Consulting, and Managed Care Arenas.
Lisa’s Answer
If you are truly drawn to Nursing, then any area of nursing is going to give you the same satisfaction. Naturally there will be areas that you do not particularly care for, but the beauty of nursing is that you can always find a niche, and thrive. Not unlike so many other nurses, I injured my back on the job, and my days of bedside nursing are done. It is too dangerous for me to work on at the bedside. I have never quit being a nurse, I have diversified greatly as I took extra classes and became a Legal Nurse Consultant, and a Case Manager. I still have patient contact, and I am still able to use my skills as a nurse. The possibilities are truly endless in this profession. One that I truly believe is the best one. Good luck in your studies. Lisa
Thank you, this is really helpful.
Joshua’s Answer
I would second Lisa’s answer! I work as a floor nurse caring directly for 4-5 patients every day in a cancer unit. I find the work very fulling and feel like I make a difference in my patients lives. I would personally find Lisa’s job incredibly stressful, frustrating, and overwhelming. I really appreciate what the case managers I work with do for our patients, though I personally know its not a good fit for me. There is an amazing variety of fields and settings in nursing where you can find a good fit, which is often the best setup for helping people well! (I would also put an emphasis on underserved care, I recommend looking into NAFCC)