6 answers
6 answers
Randy’s Answer
As a fellow artist, I definitely rely on various online resources to continue learning how to draw. Have you checked out YouTube for drawing lessons? A quick search using the keywords "drawing lessons" will yield several channels that have playlists full of lessons, then, it's just a matter of choosing which style resonates with you.
They have tons of resources that can teach you anything from techniques and realism, to anime and character illustration.
Also take advantage of any artist advice that they share.
I hope this helps!
Best of luck
Search 'drawing lessons' on YouTube
Follow artist content creators that share tutorials
Share your progress online and get feedback
Have fun and stick with it! 🙏
As a fellow artist, I definitely rely on various online resources to continue learning how to draw. Have you checked out YouTube for drawing lessons? A quick search using the keywords "drawing lessons" will yield several channels that have playlists full of lessons, then, it's just a matter of choosing which style resonates with you.
They have tons of resources that can teach you anything from techniques and realism, to anime and character illustration.
Also take advantage of any artist advice that they share.
I hope this helps!
Best of luck
Randy recommends the following next steps:
Priya’s Answer
Hi Deniquwa,
I am studying art now and the one advice I hear often is to draw everyday! It sounds hard (and I don't draw everyday) but I think people mean building a habit and practice are your best tools. The more you practice, the better you get! There's a group that does drawing together online called "Illustration Isolation" if you just need a group to draw with! Other than that, there are loads of YouTube videos or library books you can check out regarding drawing skills you want to acquire. Good luck!
I am studying art now and the one advice I hear often is to draw everyday! It sounds hard (and I don't draw everyday) but I think people mean building a habit and practice are your best tools. The more you practice, the better you get! There's a group that does drawing together online called "Illustration Isolation" if you just need a group to draw with! Other than that, there are loads of YouTube videos or library books you can check out regarding drawing skills you want to acquire. Good luck!
Emily’s Answer
I agree with the previous comments - really the best thing to do is practice. Youtube has a lot of great tutorials. Drawing from life is also a great - even if realism isn't your focus you'll gain a lot of knowledge in light/shadow, forms, perspective, etc. Even drawing the same subject multiple times can really open your eyes to details you didn't see before.
They can get a bit over the top - but even asking those around you for an idea to practice drawing from your imagination can be fun.
They can get a bit over the top - but even asking those around you for an idea to practice drawing from your imagination can be fun.
Nabil’s Answer
Hi Deniquwa,
Drawing everyday is one of the best things you could ever do.
Life drawing as much as possible to get down the fundamentals is key as you can incorporate it into all styles of art from cartooning to illustration.
You can try doing master copies, where you find a drawing of an artist you like and replicate it 100% to try to learn from them and grow your own style!
Keep at it and good luck!
Drawing everyday is one of the best things you could ever do.
Life drawing as much as possible to get down the fundamentals is key as you can incorporate it into all styles of art from cartooning to illustration.
You can try doing master copies, where you find a drawing of an artist you like and replicate it 100% to try to learn from them and grow your own style!
Keep at it and good luck!
Hannah’s Answer
Draw as often as you can. Doodle, write down ideas, even the silliest ones. I don't recommend one of those "prompts every day" options because once it starts to feel like a chore you won't enjoy it and your art will suffer. Watch other creatives on YouTube and see how'/what they are creating and see if you can get any inspiration from them.
Sophie’s Answer
Hi Deniquwa, I recommend taking a course on something like Coursera or even Youtube may have some courses you can follow along with! Finding inspiration at a local coffee shop, some street art or in nature! Drawing is a skill I would love to pick up again as well so I love seeing this question!