6 answers
Sandra’s Answer
If it's your drawing, you can go to the US patent office. If you need someone to draw it for you, then you should have them signed an Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) with a strong confidentiality clause. This will protect your idea if you need someone to draw it before you go to the US patent office

Anne Yarnell
Anne’s Answer
Davetra, check out this site for more information on current copyright laws. http://copyright.laws.com/ At the very least it's a source where you can download the copyright symbol that you can add to your drawing to keep others from taking it. Looks like you also have some other responses, with some great info., if you're interested in taking it a step further to patent a new product.
Sadiqua’s Answer
I would say you will need to do some research on the skillset that you seek. Is it for web design, graphic drawing, or architectural blue prints? Once you have the right person the next step would be to get a patent of your idea and then get it copy written.

Joanne Keating
Joanne’s Answer
If you need someone to draw out your idea, do a bit of research about businesses that may provide such a service. Once you fine one, research it on the internet to determine if it is reputable.
Typically a business providing such a service will be able to provide you with an agreement under which they agree not to use your idea for their own benefit, acknowledge that you own the idea, and will not disclose your idea to others (a confidentiality clause).
If that doesn't work, see if a local law school offers any type of clinic in which a law student will assist you with drafting up an agreement to protect your idea, which you can then use to get your idea drawn by third party. Local business schools may also be able to provide some information.
Before you start down this path, check out the US Patent Office on line to obtain information about what is patentable and what is needed (schematics, etc.) to submit a patent application. Again, a local law school may be able to provide you with "free" assistance through a clinic program.
Good luck.
Pranshu’s Answer
Whatever you try to transcribe or draw. Make sure you have time logs and chain of custody intact and evidential in finally claiming a patent.
A photograph of the idea or rough drawing with time stamp is useful. The initial drawing can be cruder than final product but you can use them to demonstrate the chain of thought as the idea came through.
The crucial point is always have time evidence in place.