Other beneficial careers?
Nursing is a really popular career as it offers a lot of benefits such as high wages and more flexible schedules. However, due to the huge amounts of people applying for this career, it does not seem realistic that everyone will be accepted. What other careers offer these benefits or similar that can attribute to a secure lifestyle? #future-careers #planning
2 answers
Kim’s Answer
Broaden out from nursing and look at "medical." We are all getting older, and will need lots of healthcare! Some examples: physical therapy, radiology technician, veterinarian!
There are lots of possibilities! There continues to be a nursing shortage. It's much more likely to be a successful career path than is law school!
Dr. Kelly’s Answer
One route you could look into is being an EMT or paramedic. Many emergency responders in my area will joking call each other "field nurse"(EMT) or "field doctor" (medic). One never knows what will come over the dispatch line!
Like any job, there is an application process, and not all people are accepted. When dozens or hundreds of people apply to a single posting, the chances of standing out are less. Luckily, tool on LinkedIn allow for job seekers to adjust their settings for positions with less than 10 applications. This might be beneficial, if you use this site.