5 answers
What to do as a writer?
I have thought about attempting to be a professional writer after high school, what do you suggest, how do you deal with writers block, how do you come up with new and original ideas, how do I properly balance writing and self care?
5 answers
Abraham’s Answer
Considering how smart your question is, I must commend you and attempt to answer based on the key components in the question.
Becoming a Professional writer:
As they say, "Before one can walk, one must first learn to crawl". Before you start thinking of ways of becoming a 'professional writer', think of ways of 'starting to write'. You can then build-on from that point where you discovered your passion for writing by reading wide, writing something every day, and the most important part, sharing your write-ups with someone who will encourage you to keep growing and keep improving. The key is to start writing whiles making progress towards professionalism.
Dealing with Writers' Block:
Writers' block occurs when a writer can't seem to figure out what to write about or how to start writing, in colloquial terms-'inability to put pen to paper'. This experience can be very disturbing, especially when you have so much writing to do in so little time. My personal simple get-away method out of writers' block is "waste the papers and the ink". That is, write anything that comes in your mind; do not try to get it right upfront because that will only keep you in your 'block', just keep writing anything until your mind is freed.
New and Original ideas:
Writing is evolutionary, hence generating new ideas is paramount to staying relevant as a writer. The basic truth, which many experienced writers will not tell you, is that there is not truly 100% original idea in writing. For instance, about 99% of Copywriting ideas can be traced back to the Copywriting greats such as Robert Collier and Claude Hopkins. My point is, you don't need to waste too much time and energy on trying to come out with what no one has ever written. The trick is to "generate new trends from old ideas". You take an old proven idea, turn, and twist it towards a new direction, now that's a NEW IDEA. See, I just brought an 'original idea', as many may refer to it.
Balancing writing and self-care:
Self-care is an important factor for staying in shape, both in body and in mind. Most craftsmen spend almost all their time on their craft; writers, artists, singers, dancers, actors, sportsmen and women, even those in the academic field. They neglect themselves and sometimes end up with severe mental health problems. It is good to sometimes go away to the mountains to write or do travel writing, but it is equally important to have time to take care of yourself. Self-care goes beyond eating well, exercising regularly, and having enough sleep. It also involves spending quality time with the people you love- your family and friends.
Uncle Loorig writes
Becoming a Professional writer:
As they say, "Before one can walk, one must first learn to crawl". Before you start thinking of ways of becoming a 'professional writer', think of ways of 'starting to write'. You can then build-on from that point where you discovered your passion for writing by reading wide, writing something every day, and the most important part, sharing your write-ups with someone who will encourage you to keep growing and keep improving. The key is to start writing whiles making progress towards professionalism.
Dealing with Writers' Block:
Writers' block occurs when a writer can't seem to figure out what to write about or how to start writing, in colloquial terms-'inability to put pen to paper'. This experience can be very disturbing, especially when you have so much writing to do in so little time. My personal simple get-away method out of writers' block is "waste the papers and the ink". That is, write anything that comes in your mind; do not try to get it right upfront because that will only keep you in your 'block', just keep writing anything until your mind is freed.
New and Original ideas:
Writing is evolutionary, hence generating new ideas is paramount to staying relevant as a writer. The basic truth, which many experienced writers will not tell you, is that there is not truly 100% original idea in writing. For instance, about 99% of Copywriting ideas can be traced back to the Copywriting greats such as Robert Collier and Claude Hopkins. My point is, you don't need to waste too much time and energy on trying to come out with what no one has ever written. The trick is to "generate new trends from old ideas". You take an old proven idea, turn, and twist it towards a new direction, now that's a NEW IDEA. See, I just brought an 'original idea', as many may refer to it.
Balancing writing and self-care:
Self-care is an important factor for staying in shape, both in body and in mind. Most craftsmen spend almost all their time on their craft; writers, artists, singers, dancers, actors, sportsmen and women, even those in the academic field. They neglect themselves and sometimes end up with severe mental health problems. It is good to sometimes go away to the mountains to write or do travel writing, but it is equally important to have time to take care of yourself. Self-care goes beyond eating well, exercising regularly, and having enough sleep. It also involves spending quality time with the people you love- your family and friends.
Uncle Loorig writes
Tatiane’s Answer
Hi Eli. How are you? I believe that we need to stimulate our creativity every day, even have a routine that stimulates our creativity on our own. Be open to listening and have curiosity about other lives, friends, and family, for example, pay attention to how they deal with situations, and how they see life; works when you watch series and movies too, and then you will build some mental file that will help you to connect histories and have the background to use on your routine as a writer. When you start studying and working with it, you will find techniques and theories that will help you to find your way to deal with the challenges and blocks. My advice is just to live your life in the best way possible, caring for your health, having a good time doing what you like, or just with people you appreciate, and dedicate yourself to writing, reading, learning new methods, and doing courses. Don't let the concerns or stress affect you or make you lose your balance in life. I know that we suffer from pressure, personal or familiar issues, and relationship issues, and we can doubt ourselves sometimes. When something like this happens, remember your focus and why you want to achieve this goal, why you start writing, and why you want to be a writer, take your time and continue or start again if it makes sense for you. Professional life is like a field in your own life and we tend to see it separately, but it's important to remember that is still part of your life, in general. May you have success in your life!
Be open to listening and have curiosity about life
Read, and watch series and movies, consumes culture in general
Take care of your health
Have a good time doing what you like, or just with people you appreciate
Tatiane recommends the following next steps:
Keith’s Answer
Hey Eli, there's a lot to unpack from your question, because while writing is a specific activity, there is a huge amount you can do with "writing." So, here is some advice I can give. Keep in mind, my profession is in content writing. I gather your goal is more creative writing. Still, I think my advice applies.
1. Write. Every. Day. Even if it's terrible, keep writing. Your brain is forming new connections as you write, no matter how good or bad the writing is. So, make it a daily practice.
2. Read. Every. Day. Read as much as you can, from novels, to non-fiction, marketing materials, ad and product copy, book and movie descriptions. Anything and everything. What works? What doesn't?
3. There are TONS of books out there that might be helpful for you. One I strongly suggest you start with is Stephen King's "On Writing."
4. Learn how to research. Most of the writing process is researching your topic.
5. Learn about SEO. Many opportunities exist for SEO writers. (Check out SEMrush and Ahrefs for free resources on SEO writing)
6. One podcast I can suggest for indie fiction writers is Writing, Ink with J. Thorn (and others).
If you can give us more specifics about what you want to do, it'd be easier to offer advice. If you can, I highly recommend going to college. Marketing, advertising, journalism, communications are fields that will serve you well in your writing endeavors.
1. Write. Every. Day. Even if it's terrible, keep writing. Your brain is forming new connections as you write, no matter how good or bad the writing is. So, make it a daily practice.
2. Read. Every. Day. Read as much as you can, from novels, to non-fiction, marketing materials, ad and product copy, book and movie descriptions. Anything and everything. What works? What doesn't?
3. There are TONS of books out there that might be helpful for you. One I strongly suggest you start with is Stephen King's "On Writing."
4. Learn how to research. Most of the writing process is researching your topic.
5. Learn about SEO. Many opportunities exist for SEO writers. (Check out SEMrush and Ahrefs for free resources on SEO writing)
6. One podcast I can suggest for indie fiction writers is Writing, Ink with J. Thorn (and others).
If you can give us more specifics about what you want to do, it'd be easier to offer advice. If you can, I highly recommend going to college. Marketing, advertising, journalism, communications are fields that will serve you well in your writing endeavors.
prince’s Answer
Hello, Eli!
Here are a few of my recommendations for those interested in pursuing writing as a profession:
➣ For practical reasons: Consider pursuing college or vocational writing courses to help you get a leg up on writing jobs.
➣ Join online writing courses —it is useful to be acquainted with various types of writing, e.g., creative, technical, or research writing, to have more opportunities in your job search or provide a diverse range of services to your prospective clients.
➣ Read A LOT of books. Be mindful of your environment. Be informed about current events and trends.
➣ Draw inspiration from fellow writers. Know their journey. They can provide you with a plethora of information/insights.
When you choose writing as a career, it is also your source of income. Just like any other job, you will get tired of writing, which is why it is essential that you set work boundaries and prioritize rest and self-care. Set limits based on your current capabilities (e.g., work duration, a schedule that allows you ample time to think and write, identify calming activities, and stress coping mechanisms). Although, in reality, many writing jobs are demanding, stressful, and deadline-driven.
Writing block is a common occurrence, but it's temporary. Here are a few internet-sourced suggestions:
➣ Determine the root cause of the problem (e.g., stress).
➣ De-stress; do anything else aside from writing (e.g., take a walk outside, read books or articles you've been meaning to read for a long time, or binge-watch; but be mindful of the time).
➣ Build a solid routine —this will also help you set boundaries at work.
➣ Just Write —write whatever comes to mind about a specific topic. Leave it rough around the edges, and take what you suppose you can get away with for the initial drafting.
➣ Be adventurous —find a different way into the story.
➣ Enhance your workspace.
I know you will do great!
• https://blog.reedsy.com/writers-block/
• https://www.purdueglobal.edu/blog/student-life/7-ways-overcome-writers-block/
Here are a few of my recommendations for those interested in pursuing writing as a profession:
➣ For practical reasons: Consider pursuing college or vocational writing courses to help you get a leg up on writing jobs.
➣ Join online writing courses —it is useful to be acquainted with various types of writing, e.g., creative, technical, or research writing, to have more opportunities in your job search or provide a diverse range of services to your prospective clients.
➣ Read A LOT of books. Be mindful of your environment. Be informed about current events and trends.
➣ Draw inspiration from fellow writers. Know their journey. They can provide you with a plethora of information/insights.
When you choose writing as a career, it is also your source of income. Just like any other job, you will get tired of writing, which is why it is essential that you set work boundaries and prioritize rest and self-care. Set limits based on your current capabilities (e.g., work duration, a schedule that allows you ample time to think and write, identify calming activities, and stress coping mechanisms). Although, in reality, many writing jobs are demanding, stressful, and deadline-driven.
Writing block is a common occurrence, but it's temporary. Here are a few internet-sourced suggestions:
➣ Determine the root cause of the problem (e.g., stress).
➣ De-stress; do anything else aside from writing (e.g., take a walk outside, read books or articles you've been meaning to read for a long time, or binge-watch; but be mindful of the time).
➣ Build a solid routine —this will also help you set boundaries at work.
➣ Just Write —write whatever comes to mind about a specific topic. Leave it rough around the edges, and take what you suppose you can get away with for the initial drafting.
➣ Be adventurous —find a different way into the story.
➣ Enhance your workspace.
I know you will do great!
• https://blog.reedsy.com/writers-block/
• https://www.purdueglobal.edu/blog/student-life/7-ways-overcome-writers-block/
Sikawayi’s Answer
Hello Eli, thank you for your question. Well, the first thing I would suggest you do is enroll in college because you're going to need a good education in order to become a writer. As far as I know there isn't a particular cure for writers block it usually happens when your mind is overwhelmed, and you are unable to think straight. I personally have to just walk away from the computer and get some fresh air maybe take a walk or go have lunch with family and friends. Lastly coming up with new ideas for me usually comes very easy, I can be watching tv and from a story line I see on the tv I come up with something totally different. When you are a creative writer, it doesn't take much for the juices to start flowing. Make sure you take out time for family and friends I understand there will be times you will need to slip away and write but just remember the people closest to you are your support group you will need them in order to stay balanced. Best of luck
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