4 answers
how many years of college to do athletic trainers go through?
I want to learn more about athletic training because it seems like a cool career.
4 answers

Brian Farr
Director, Athletic Training Program & Clinical Assoc. Professor, Dept of Kinesiology and Health Ed University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Brian’s Answer
Athletic Trainers must graduate from a CAATE accredited AT program. While those programs are currently offered at the bachelor's and master's levels, the bachelor's level programs are closing. Moving forward, all CAATE accredited AT programs can only be offered at the master's degree. With that being said, it will take at least 6 years to complete both a traditional bachelor's and master's degree or 5 years for programs that offer a 3+2, sometimes called an "accelerated" master's degree.
Victoria’s Answer
I just graduated with my bachelor's in Athletic Training. All programs are now moving into a master's level degree. A lot of schools are moving to a 3+2 program. If this is something that you are positive you want to do it a 3+2 route saves you an extra year of money. However, there are many other route you could take and graduate with a bachelors in whatever degree you choose as long as you have the prerequisites for the schools you want to apply to!
Chris’s Answer
Athletic training has just moved to an entry-level masters degree. This means that athletic training students need a bachelors degree, generally in exercise science, followed by a masters degree in athletic training. Some schools are offering a 3+2 program meaning that you can graduate with both degrees in five years.
The path to become a personal trainer or a strength coach is vastly different from becoming an athletic trainer. certifications vary from needing a high school diploma up to a bachelors degree.
The path to become a personal trainer or a strength coach is vastly different from becoming an athletic trainer. certifications vary from needing a high school diploma up to a bachelors degree.
Tracie’s Answer
Hi there! My son is a sophomore in college and is interested in this profession. In college, he is taking classes in exercise science for his major. We recently spoke to his high school athletic trainer and our family physical therapist to learn more about the field. What he has learned is that requirements these days are at least a 4-year degree, and some have master-level programs- requiring more education. My son is not sure if he wants to do all of that schoolwork, so he is considering getting a business degree and taking a traditional trainer certification (think gym type trainer); that certification is about 6 weeks. He wants to own his own gym someday so that is the route he is (currently) thinking about. All the best!
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