Would it be more beneficial for a person to go to a community college because of the amount of people attending as well?
Im not sure if the college that I want to go to would have to have a smaller amount of students or a higher amount of students? #wheredoigo #smaller #orbigger #college #college-selection #community-college
3 answers
Nancy’s Answer
Sarah’s Answer
Hi there,
What exactly do you mean by "the amount of people attending?" If you're referring to the fact that some people choose to start at a community college because the classes are generally smaller - well, whether or not it would beneficial to you very much depends on your comfort level and learning style. I would recommend taking a tour of any college you're considering and just seeing whether or not you would be comfortable there. Does the college feel too big? Just right?
For some people, they prefer small class sizes, so they choose to start at a community college. Depending on the four-year college you go to, some of the general intro classes are pretty large (100+ people), then (usually), the classes get smaller as you take more major-specific classes. This is not true for all four-year colleges though, which is why I recommend going on a tour if you are able, or oftentimes, colleges have their faculty:student ratio posted on their website somewhere.
I hope that helps, let me know if I need to expand on any of this!
Shari’s Answer
Being in a lecture hall with hundreds of other freshman can be a bit overwhelming.
Have you visited a big campus? Some places will let you sit in on a class to get a feel for it.
Campus tours can be a good decision maker.