How can you know if it's the right decision to take a gap year before college?
I have been considering taking a gap year before I start college, however, at the same time I feel ready to begin college life. I researched and talk to others but didn't really receive any great advice. How can you make this decision? #travel #maturity #hardchoice #college #college-advice #gap-year
4 answers
Richard’s Answer
Alishia’s Answer
First you would need to determine the why behind the need for a gap and if it is necessary. If it is because you just want to take a break, travel, etc, that may be a distraction. If it is personal family reasons, financial, etc then you can figure up a plan to stay on track. Taking a year break can turn into 20 before you know it. It happened to me. Eventually I went back and now have my MBA, but it was a struggle to balance work, family, and all that comes with that. My recommendation would be to get it started and completed as soon as possible if college is really what you want to pursue. Enjoy those college years while young. Best of luck!!
Eliza’s Answer

Nicole S.
Nicole’s Answer
Study Abroad programs are available for almost any major and they're always an asset on your résumé. Many of them are flexible. If your goal is to travel as much as possible, look into a "Semester at Sea" program or something similar. These programs allow you to travel to multiple countries while still completing coursework. Like I mentioned before, there are so many options, so if you feel like you're ready to start college, you may want to start, but start looking into study abroad programs as soon as possible so that your adventure will be waiting for you!