1 answer
1 answer
Keyana’s Answer
If your career choice is to work with animals you can do the following to help retain information:
-Flash cards helped me really well, especially when it comes to terminology
-Always continue to work on your math skills, do practice veterinary math problems
-Watch several education videos regarding animals
-Learn to abbreviate. This field is all about using abbreviations
-Try to study in segments, give yourself a break in between studying
-Set yourself a deadline or goal to keep yourself accountable with studying
-Flash cards helped me really well, especially when it comes to terminology
-Always continue to work on your math skills, do practice veterinary math problems
-Watch several education videos regarding animals
-Learn to abbreviate. This field is all about using abbreviations
-Try to study in segments, give yourself a break in between studying
-Set yourself a deadline or goal to keep yourself accountable with studying