What classes or prior education will help me have the best chance of being hired as a line worker?
I am a senior in high school and I am looking to be a line worker for a power company. I am wondering what post high school education will help me the most and will give me the highest chance of being hired. #electrical #utilities #power-plants
3 answers

Alyx Campbell
Alyx’s Answer
Check out your local trade school(s) or technical college and check out power plant operator opportunities. As far as education goes, you will want to do an apprenticeship.
Helpful High School Courses
Students should take courses that meet college entrance requirements.Helpful high school courses would include Algebra.
Participation in a Tech Prep program may be a valuable high school experience. In Tech Prep programs, high school students enroll in technical college courses. Students participating in these programs may enroll in a technical college with advanced standing when they graduate from high school.
Majors & Degrees
Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies
Industrial Mechanics
Method of Entry
Apprenticeship is one method of entry into this occupation. Individuals interested in power engineer apprenticeships must have a high school diploma, pass an aptitude test, and interview with the appropriate apprenticeship committee. Apprenticeships vary from two to five years in length and include both formal classroom instruction and on-the-job training experience. Other employers prefer to hire individuals who have several years of experience and a minimum of two years of training.
Many individuals go to technical colleges and graduate from an industrial mechanics and maintenance technology program. Individuals also receive training and experience in this occupation while in the armed forces. This training enhances their opportunities for employment and/or an apprenticeship.
Employers contact technical colleges, advertise in newspapers, and list position openings with the state employment service for qualified applicants. They also hire qualified individuals who apply directly to them. Unionized companies contact their local union halls for qualified union members or promote from within.
Advancement Opportunities
Power plant operators advance by taking on more complex tasks at higher wages. They may become lab technicians or plant electrician apprentices. Some move from operating small boilers to running larger systems. Some become supervisors. A few eventually move into management positions
Joe’s Answer
When you are working with a journeyman always be ready for the next step of the job, ready to hand them the next tool or material. Try to imitate the journeyman that work safely . Hope that this helps.
Billy’s Answer
There is a great lineman school, Northwest Lineman College, that offers programs designed just to help folks get a leg up on the competition. If you're wanting to start work a little bit sooner, know that a lot of utilities use contractors for transmission line work too. Getting hired on with a contractor can give you experience that will be helpful later getting a job with large utility.
Wishing you all the best!