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What college classes do I need to take to become a nurse?

I'm asking because I want to go to college to become a nurse. #medicine #nurse #registered-nurses #nursing

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3 answers

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Rafael’s Answer

every college has its own requirements. I would suggest talking to the counselors for a particular college or nursing department to have a specific idea of the curriculum. There will be a lot of science

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Julie’s Answer

Hi Kamden, your college pre-nursing courses should be heavily geared toward nursing, so all of your sciences (biology, anatomy and physiology, labs, etc) should be taken before you apply to nursing school. Once in the program, you will take all of your major nursing core curriculum courses, plus your college's gen ed requirements, such as English, math, language. If you are currently in middle school or high school, ask your guidance counselor for some ideas and make sure you get all your science background complete. Good luck!
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Maya’s Answer

Hi there!

Some colleges and universities may vary so it would be helpful to know what school you're planning on attending; however, here is a link to the classes my program required:

Most schools will require you to take science classes, such as Anatomy & Chemistry, along with English, Math and Psychology classes. Good luck, it's an awesome career to pursue, let me know if you have any more questions!