1 answer
1 answer
Anna’s Answer
Think of it this way - to live, we all need a few essentials: food, water, and shelter. Life becomes more fulfilling when we have friends, fun, and interests. But how do we acquire these things? In the past, families were self-sufficient, growing their own food and working to support themselves. As society has evolved, our needs and desires remain the same, but it's not always feasible to meet them on our own. So, we collaborate as a community. Want a bagel for breakfast? The farmer cultivates the wheat, the truck driver transports it to the bakery, and the baker prepares the food. Each one focuses on their role and can supply bagels for many people. However, the farmer needs a tractor in order to get his work done. This necessitates an engineer to design it and manufacturers to construct it. Someone has to mine metal so they can build it! The farmer can't do all of these jobs himself, and neither can you. By focusing on a specific field, we establish a network of jobs that take care of everyone's needs, without having to possess all the skills individually.