Is it possible to go to school full-time for a STEM-related field and work two part time jobs?
I've heard stories of super-human effort which seem nearly impossible to do, not because of lack of energy, but due to lack of time. How do some people manage to do all of that and still have time for a breather? #stem #part-time #college #academic-advising
2 answers
Karla’s Answer
Hey, Daniel! Short answer: it is possible, of course! However, take into consideration that you will have to focus a lot on time management and keeping up with your schedule closely. Try taking a balanced amount of credits per semester, that way you can free up time for your part-time jobs at night or weekends. Remember that your mental and physical health is extremely important to succeed in anything, so if you find yourself burning out, try looking into alternative options for financial support (i.e. scholarships, student loans, grants, on-campus paid research or work opportunities). Avoid overworking yourself at all costs, but never give up on your long-term goals, which for you would be to graduate from your STEM-related major and to find a good internship along the way. Good luck!
Darren’s Answer
Yes, it is possible. Since most schools only offer courses during the day, you'll likely have to work at night and/or weekends.
I am a civil engineer and I have had college classmates and colleagues who interned at engineering firms during the week when they didn't have classes scheduled. The key for them was scheduling their classes in a convenient way AND finding an employer who was understanding of the need for a flexible schedule, as class schedules change every semester/quarter.
Don't just limit yourself to private firms - some government offices/departments also hire student interns as well.