How do I prevent the temptation to go out every night while in college?
I know that college parties are a main factor in why students get kicked out. #college #decision-making #parties
4 answers
Herman’s Answer
Hi Michaela,
A lot of it is self control. It's great to have fun but setting the correct priorities are important. If you are able to envision the future value of your education, this would definitely help. From personal experience, partying in college also gets tiring after a little while, especially if its consecutive days. I also didn't party as much because well.. it costs money to have fun, and when you're a broke student... you just can't afford to have fun sometimes.Surrounding yourself with studious and mature peers who are goal oriented may also help.
Hope this helps,
Monique’s Answer
The 1st year is the year you really have to find the right balance. Then the following years you learn by the mistakes you made the 1st year. You meet lot's of people and make close friends which also allows you to get into a good rythm and not party all the time. Enjoy the time in college but remember you are there for your future, learn all you can, make friends and have fun, it's all a question of balance. I always found that forcing myself to go regularly to the library really helped me.
Tanya’s Answer
Michaela, first, you need to come up with a college plan. I knew that I had to graduate in 4 years because I saw too many people taking 5 and 6 years to finish. Once you have it in your mind that you will meet your goals, you will resist the temptation to party every night. Plus, it gets old after your freshman year. It is knew and exciting the first year, and then it becomes played out. Even though I went to 4 colleges before I graduated, it only took me 3.5 years to get my bachelor of arts degree.
Geeniya’s Answer
Hello Michaela, I can understand it's very difficult be be focused when you are in college but I believe if you are determined to achieve your goal you can avoid the distractions like the urge to go out and enjoy with friends on a regular basis. I would suggest you divide your free time into study time and fun time. Try to first plan the study time, once you have achieved that you can take breaks on occasional basis to enjoy and hang out with you friends. Make sure you have a ratio between the study and fun time where the study is double or more than the fun. This will help you keep a balance in life where you don't miss the fun or compromise on your career goals.
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