If there wasn't money would you choice a different path in life?
Is your goal to have money or something else?
#tags #question #realtalk #lifequestions #why
3 answers

Jasan Kaur
Jasan’s Answer
Learning is my goal. I love to learn new things.
As, whenever I will acquire a new skill. It will act as an add-on value to the job I will do in the future.
As a result, it will help me to earn money as well.
Thus, keep learning and stay optimistic in your life towards your goals.
Ashley’s Answer
No. I am doing what I love and I enjoy going to work. Follow your passion and you will make enough to cover your needs. Here is a great video from Simon Sinek. Skip the ad and fast forward to 50 seconds into the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNiKmZ__yZY
Roland’s Answer
No... I have chosen what I love so that everyday is enjoyable. Money doesn’t bring happiness, just a way to maintain life! You need money to have a sustainable life but it’s not the only thing to make it a happy one!