Will they consider me, with my degree, as anyone else with the same degree, but of different age?
AFter losing my employment of 14 years. I neca,e motivated to finish my degree. Once I finish, with the lack of jobs, and the competition, will I still have the same opporunity to be interviewed and hired, as anyone else, of a lesser age.#publicadministrationjobs
4 answers
Taeja’s Answer
Yes, of course. You have just as much of a chance to be employed as someone younger and older than you. Remember that employers care about your experience and potential, not your age. They are looking for candidates that would fit well in the company. So, be positive and have confidence!
Lynnea’s Answer
While employers are not allowed to discriminate based on your age, there always exist natural prejudices about the type of person an employer is looking for or believes would best suit the position. My recommendation is to tailor your resume to the position you are looking for and try to ensure that you are the strongest candidate for the job. If your age may provide some weakness within your resume (e.g. you are not familiar with the most recent technology or software common to your field), address these deficiencies to ensure that it will not be questioned or you can address it in an interview.
Caroline’s Answer
Juliana Penland
Juliana’s Answer
An employer can't discriminate on you based on your age. The competition will be centered around your experience, employment history and your asking salary. Congrats on finishing your degree and best wishes in the job field!