What is the best type of volunteer work that colleges look for?
Do colleges look for your volunteer hours? If so what kind do they value most? I have been apart of a math internship where I help Algebra 1 kids with their homework and I am apart of the National Honor Society. Would colleges look at that to consider my eligibility?
#math #college #volunteering #volunteer-leadership
5 answers
Leahanne’s Answer
Volunteering is a way to give back to the community. The way the to have the biggest impact or value is to contribute what you're good at, what your skills and talents are, applied to an area you care about. Everyone has that in them, you need to find what it is for you. That's what resonates with colleges and with employers (current or future). Are you applying your talents to areas of the world you care about, and are you generous in spirit such that you're willing to share your time and talents for free? If it's something you are good at and care about, you will always be willing to work for free. People tend to become stingy with their time when they're working outside their skills or applying those to something they don't feel a strong connection to. The story the college will care about is "I applied X skill to Y industry, because..." " I learned these additional things, or I learned this about myself in the process." Good luck and have fun!
Leahanne recommends the following next steps:
Ninos’s Answer
I believe any and all volunteer work reflects nicely on your college application. Try to choose non-profits/groups that closely align with your academic interests. More importantly, volunteer for something that excites you. No sense in beefing up your college application if the work makes you miserable.
Here's an interesting article for you to check out. Enjoy and good luck! https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/2012/04/04/why-helping-others-makes-us-happy
Wayne’s Answer
Jenna Zebrowski, JD, MBA
Jenna’s Answer
jesse’s Answer
Helping needy family’s out - humanitarian - under privialeged youth alway sneed help - giving back to your community or a community in need.