3 answers
As an aspiring entrepreneur how much of my future is dictated by the stock market rather than actual product and marketing produced?
I’m asking because the chances of becoming a multimillionaire as an Entrepreneur rival that of making the NFl, so I wanted to know if early participation in the global stock market will raise my chances of success in the long run.#business #wealth #stocks #marketing-and-advertising #product and sales.
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3 answers

Stephen Busateri

Global Practice Manager - Digital Experience, IoT, and Analytics
Newark, New Jersey
Stephen’s Answer
Hi Reginald T. Almost none of your future as an aspiring entrepreneur is dictated by the stock market. When you have an idea, raising money to fund the building of your idea, to test that idea and get feedback from customers, comes far ahead of any success in the stock market. Consider the fact that being a good entrepreneur is about having a business idea that "catches fire" with customers in mass. Once you amass a huge customer base, the funding for your company will transition from "seed funding" to equity shared in your stock as provided by private investors. It isn't until much later on that you "go public" with an IPO. So much of your entrepreneurial success will happen well ahead of any direct stock market effect.
Hamish’s Answer
Very little.
But there is a difference between making a living and making millions.
If you want to make millions, buy a lotto ticket (someone has to win)
If you are happy making a living. Being passionate, creating, find solutions, making and bringing to the market. That's simple
Very little.
But there is a difference between making a living and making millions.
If you want to make millions, buy a lotto ticket (someone has to win)
If you are happy making a living. Being passionate, creating, find solutions, making and bringing to the market. That's simple
Simeon’s Answer
This is related to risk. If you start a small business, it will not be affected by the stock market. Only the largest of companies are affected by the stock market.
I'd recommend trying out entrepreneurship first hand as the skills, experiences, and contacts you will build in the process will be just as important as whatever funds you may gain in the process. You will face more risk down this path, but the younger you are able to take these risks a try, the better the potential for pay-off.
I'd recommend trying out entrepreneurship first hand as the skills, experiences, and contacts you will build in the process will be just as important as whatever funds you may gain in the process. You will face more risk down this path, but the younger you are able to take these risks a try, the better the potential for pay-off.