What is the best way to become friends with my college roomate?
I`m heading of to college soon and I don`t know what she`ll be like. It makes me a bit nervous that she`s a stranger to me, because what if its hard to become friends with her or we end up not liking each other. #roommates (new) #college #dorm-life
9 answers

Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Jasmine,
In order to put your best foot forward and increase your happiness in the first months of college, read on to find our top three most essential tips for getting along with your roommate:
Daniela recommends the following next steps:
Briana’s Answer
I personally knocked on doors on my hall and introduced myself and I have the best friends ever from being that bold. My neighbor across from me has me as the maid of honor in her wedding and I would have probably never been as close to her had I not took a chance on making friends.
Cynthia’s Answer
However, here are some tips and tricks to get to know your roommate better!
-Play board games or video games together
-Ask to go to school events with you (this is how I got my first dorm mate to become my friend!)
-Ask to study together
If your roommate is completely not interested, then that is completely okay. Just make sure your boundaries are set on the first few days you guys meet! And if it totally goes awry, then talk to your RA. They are there to help and can possibly transfer you to another room if things cannot be fixed.
I hope this helps.
Yasemin’s Answer
I wish you the best!
Kristi’s Answer
Andrea’s Answer
Amy’s Answer
As others have said, communication is the most important thing. Look for common ground, and look for solutions when problems arise. Some great activities to help get the communication ball rolling are:
Play board games!
Decorate ONE shared space entirely together, after you're both there. For example, let's say you share the middle of the dorm room. Set a budget, cut it in half, and go pick the rug or other items together.
Volunteer together!
Create a message board and commit to posting one positive encouraging message to your roommate each week. She writes one for you, and you write one for her.
The most important thing is to communicate. Please remember that she is having the same doubts and anxiety you are, so you already have common ground! You don't have to be quick friends, or lifelong friends. Keep expectations realistic!
Good luck on your upcoming adventure :)