2 answers
If you want to become an actress but your mind is also set on being a pediatrician what should I do?
I'm really passionate about acting, it's something I see myself doing but I really want to help kids and take care of kids. My heart is leaning towards acting but most people have been telling me it's not a real job and you don't know if you're going to be successful. What should I do? #career-decisions #college
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2 answers
Marisa’s Answer
These are two very special career fields! My advice is to always follow your passion- and since you are passionate about both acting and children, don't limit yourself! Anisha provided some excellent advice about the possibility of taking up acting as a hobby locally- plays, community theatre, etc- while you are working on your studies in the pediatric field. This can also be a great way to engage in your theatrical inclination while providing an outlet from your hard work in your studies! Also, as stated- acting has no time/age limits, so you may find more success as you evolve with your acting repertoire. I would definitely recommend pursuing your studies in pediatrics while you are still accustomed to being a student. Eventually, you will need to rely on your income- so this is a more efficient course of action while still being able to indulge in both of your passions!
Work hard, keep your passion and always remember that as long as you are doing what you love- you will never work a day in your life!
Work hard, keep your passion and always remember that as long as you are doing what you love- you will never work a day in your life!
Anisha’s Answer
Becoming a pediatrician would require extensive medical studies. So, it's not possible to choose both acting and pediatrics together. But you can always take up acting as a hobby by working in maybe plays or small roles and keeping pediatrics as your main career. You could always choose acting as your main profession later, since you're passionate about it.