Technology is moving at a fast pace. Will my education today support the technology of the future, or will technology replace the education I am working towards?#technology
I am wondering if technology will soon replace people in the job market. Will jobs become more scarce in particular job sectors?#technology
5 answers

Lisa Milani
Lisa’s Answer
Hi Naomi,
Don't will always move at a fast pace (as it should). However, I had the same concerns during my college years. I once took a programming class where I had to get a new compiler at the end of 15 weeks to complete my final! The reality is, I will probably never use the programming I learned (such as BASIC, C++, Visual Basic and COBOL). But, I have a deeper understanding of the evolution behind the technology that is available today.
Frankly, isn't this the beautiful attraction to technology?! The entire essence of technology is to be able to deliver things FBC (faster, better, cheaper).
Also know, a tech company or a role that involves tech will typically provide training that will keep their employees relevant. It is how the company gains a competitive advantage in the market.
You are not alone nor left behind. Anyone that goes for an education in technology has the same fears and challenges.
Someone once told me that we are no smarter than people were 1000 years ago. The difference is our minds are more open to see the impossible being possible!
Allen’s Answer
Terri’s Answer
RImike (Yema)’s Answer
Your education will always be useful because it doesn't just provide you with knowledge specific to your area of study but it develops your ability to reason and learn, something that you need throughout your life. With technology, you will always need to learn new things to stay current and your formal education will better help you do this on your own.
Rafael A.’s Answer
I think that the safe bet would be that technology will continue to change. With that being said, once you get a degree you should make every effort to continue with your education. This can be via getting a Masters or further or you can get certification in a particular study that either interests you or is beneficial to the work you do.
The number one thing to remember is that your education does not stop once you graduate.
Good Luck