Can someone who stutters, be successful as a mechanical engineer?
I always wanted to be a mechanical engineer but, I am scared my speech disability might get in my way.#mechanical-engineering
3 answers
Glenn’s Answer
We all have difficulties to compensate for. I am a bit dyslexic. I have also worked closely with an engineer who stuttered a lot, he was know for the quality of his work. To be a good mechanical engineer, you need to understand the fundamentals and be able to apply them to the situation. You will also need good written communication skills to convey your thoughts. There is not getting out of doing verbal communication. But from my experience, people in a work environment are professional and understanding of the issue. If you are competent, you will earn their respect.
Sam’s Answer
I don't think studdering would cause any problems. Based on my own personal experience, much communication is written for record keeping and accountability purposes. For example, as emails or as weekly/monthy/quarterly project progress reports. No verbal skills necessary.
I would say that as long as you can have a normal day-to-day conversation with family or friends, then you shouldn't have any problems having on-the-job conversations with co-workers.
Joe’s Answer
Some people do eventually conquer or outgrow their stuttering. I can't guarantee this will be your case, but I can tell you that whether it stays or clears up you will find your focus and drive give you success.