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why is univesity important?

I like the math and music because is very incredible and amazing, I like the math for the numbers and the music for the melody, the notes and the letters

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7 answers

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Rebecca’s Answer

Hi Jamie, thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you like music and maths. Some professional careers require university degree as part of the entry criteria, e.g. accounting, engineering, medical, law, etc. On the other hand, some careers skills is better to acquire in vocational schools, e.g. hair styling, make up, culinary, etc. Firstly, you need to find out what careers you have interest.
Below are my suggestion:
1. Find out the careers related to your interest
E.g. If you like music, would you like to be a musician, musical artist, singer, music composer, music producer, etc.
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, your parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue.
5. You can then decide whether it is better to attend colleges or acquire the skills in a vocational schools
Apart from learning the knowledge in colleges, it also train up your critical thinking and analysis. This is essential. Also, you can gain the experience on organising activities and establish. These are your valuable asset as well.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Kilo’s Answer

Its not. Go to a trade school.

Kilo recommends the following next steps:

Its not.
Thank you comment icon Hi Corey, it is true that for some careers, university education is not important. Depending on the chosen career it could be important. Can you give Jamie more information as it relates to music, possibly giving specific insights from your personal experience? It may be helpful in encouraging the career journey that is right for Jamie. Sharyn Grose, Admin
Thank you comment icon Sure, rather then going to a university where in you major in music consider attending a school such as ICØN Collective school of music that specializes in up to date techniques and gives you a music centered environment that closely resembles how it will feel "in the industry" Kilo House
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Louis’s Answer

Hi Jamie,

University provides a lot of benefits, including giving you little nuggets of inside information and context that simply looking things up or studying online cannot. It also gives you a good network of people with similar interests that you can bond with and work together with. Whether you want to academically pursue mathematics or music is up to you (and you can study both). But if you were a Music major for example, you would be working with and practicing with other musicians who can help you get better, and can make music with you. Speaking from my background as a film student, all the people I went to University with became my co-creators, actors, editors, and people that helped me complete my projects and vice-versa.

Now, you don't have to go to the most expensive or the most prestigious university to receive the benefits. Find a program that works for you, explore it, do as much research as you can on the school, and ultimately make the decision. With the internet, anyone can learn anything nowadays, what University provides you is a network of people that can essentially help you chart your path for after you graduate.

Best of Luck!
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Xiaojie Johan’s Answer

Hello Jamie,

University is very important as you get educated on a specific field that you want to do in your career, such as mathematics. You can do many things with that major such as becoming an actuary at a bank and other assorted related fields such as accounting. Music is a major that's a bit less versatile and leads to overall a lower earning potential than mathematics. I'd do your research and talk with your guidance counselor at your school to determine what path is good for you going forward.

Best of luck!


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Andrew’s Answer

How important is a college degree? It depends on one’s aspirations and life goals.

Ideally, university is an institution for individuals to explore and expand their intellectual horizon. Pedagogically, university is a training ground for future career endeavors. Hence, individuals with different aspirations and life goals, university can be an irrelevant undertaking.

Mathematics and music are both languages. Mathematics is a logical and symbolic language for the intellect, whereas music is an emotional language for the soul. Both languages are the sublimation of the human mind at the highest level. It is a gift that you love both.

It is up to you to decide what you would like to do with math and music in the future.
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Juan Miguel’s Answer

College or University is important because help you to stablish your academic base for your future, work and personal. University experience not only help you to learn what you are interested academically but also it gives you the opportunity to connect with people and increase your network that eventually will help you at work and in your personal life.

Juan Miguel recommends the following next steps:

Focus on what you are passionate and is your responsibility
Learn, Plan, and Execute
Help people that need you
Work cross functionally
Enjoy the ride and evolve continually
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Sarah’s Answer

Attending university isn't the perfect choice for everyone, and it's okay to return later in life to complete your degree or earn extra qualifications. Higher education offers a wonderful opportunity to explore your passions and interests before stepping into the professional world. If you're not particularly drawn to further schooling, taking a breather can be equally beneficial. Your interests and passions may not always require formal education. Understanding what truly excites you can guide you in deciding whether further schooling is necessary or not.