1 answer
Is it harder to get scholorships as an adult learner?
I'm working on a BSN while working full time. There is no tuition reimbursement thru my employer. I have tried for many scholarships. So far unsuccessfully.
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1 answer
Lonnie’s Answer
Yes, there are! I started college at age 35 and graduated at 40, and got quite a few scholarships. I even got one, for 2 semesters at $500 each, because I could prove I had an ancestor who was a Union soldier in the Civil War (I tried to find one for the Confederacy but couldn't). Your GPA is key. After my first 2 years at a community college I got a $10k per semester scholarship for Junior and Senior at a private college. Don't pay anyone to look for scholarships for you, go to your registrar's office and ask them where you can go to look for scholarships. It's been a few years but there were 2 websites in particular as I remember. There are female only scholarships to encourage women to get into college. I'll bet there's scholarships for nursing. Don't give up, go for your dream!