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Is taking AP classes in high school worth doing a lot of extra work?

I feel like I need to take AP, but I hate committing to doing a lot of work!

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4 answers

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Sharon’s Answer

Hi Alexis! Along with the other responses, I agree that if you're worried about the extra workload, I'd also recommend only taking APs that will be helpful for your college major. By taking the AP class and exam, you can gain college credit and it will look good on your college applications. In addition, AP classes can be a GPA boost because these courses are graded on a different scale. But, if you're really worried about the workload, I would recommend speaking to students who have taken the class you're interested in to gain some insight into the workload and the difficulty level. You can also speak to the teacher as well to see if it will be a good fit for you.
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Lyndsey’s Answer

Hey there Alexis!

If you find joy in the subjects that the AP classes cover and they don't pile on too much work, then I'd say go for it! But if you're only considering them to polish your college application or to earn some credits, then it might not be the best choice. I had my fair share of AP classes in high school, but I didn't end up using the credits because my college insisted on me taking the introductory courses, like biology and chemistry, which is quite common in many universities. If you truly love the subject matter, then by all means, dive into those classes! I didn't regret taking the AP science classes because I genuinely loved them. But if that's not the case for you, there's no need to stress!

I remember having a few AP classes that were loaded with homework, so I decided to switch to regular/honors classes to make life a bit more manageable. Always remember, your mental health matters! At the end of the day, I still managed to get into a great college and even received an academic scholarship, so don't worry if you're not feeling the AP classes. You'll do just fine without them. Hope this advice helps!
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anvitha’s Answer

Taking AP classes can be a bit more demanding, but it really boils down to personal goals. They can really enhance your college applications and give you a taste of advanced coursework. There is more work, but it's a chance to challenge yourself and dig deeper into subjects you enjoy. The college credit you receive for these classes also saves you time and money when you do go to college. This can free up your college schedule and gives you the option to graduate early or take more classes that interest you. If you are willing to work a little harder and see the long-term benefits, go for it. If not, there are still plenty of ways to excel and taking AP classes are in no means mandatory.
Thank you comment icon Good answer Joseph Pace
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Rian’s Answer

Hi Alexis,
I would recommend taking AP classes in the field that you are most interested in. For example, if you wawnted to pursue a career in the healthcare industry, taking classes such as AP biology or chemistry would be super helpful for you as it would help give you an idea on the content, but also help showcase to colleges your passion for it. I would recommend to only take the number of AP classes that you think you'll be successful with, as it's better to do super well on a few AP tests than ok on a lot of AP tests.