1 answer
Changes in JEE Advanced 2018?
What are the major changes in #JEE Advanced 2018 Exam? #exams #studying #entrance-exams
1 answer
Sachin’s Answer
For 2018 JEE Advanced Exam, there are a few changes that have been made by authorities.
As per the latest information, it’s clear that the exam will be held completely in computer based test mode (Online Mode). Till, last year, the used to be conducted in pen and paper mode.
The decision is taken due to many reasons and one of the top reasons behind this change in JEE Advanced Exam mode is ‘errors in question paper’.
The Decision has been taken recently in Joint Admission Board (JAB).
JAB has set a sub committee to explore options of holding mock exams a week before the real exam. This committee was started for spreading awareness of new test pattern in rural aspirants who may face difficulties while accessing computer system.
Till IIT JEE 2017 Exam, candidates were allowed to take a copy of the optical answer sheets return to their home as a testament of their attendance in the examination.
But now in JEE Advanced 2018, Aspirants will get the answer sheets via email to the registered mail id.
Top 2,24,000 scorers of JEE Main 2018 Exam instead of 2,22,000 aspirants will be applicable to appear in JEE Advanced 2018 Examination.
There are few changes in Examination fee for JEE Advanced after GST. Get the complete fee details as provided below:
Exact GST (Goods and Service Tax) amount will be announced at the time of registration by government of India.
Now with the change in exam mode (Offline to Online), candidates will able to access to their keyboards. In previous JEE Advanced Exam Pattern, aspirants had to shade the correct answer in a bubble to the Optical answer sheet but from now aspirants should have to solve the question through calculation (if necessary) to give an answer. Due to this, the elimination and guess work is completely lost for the aspirants.
“Concept based question will increase, and the question pattern will change” official added quote according to times of India reporter.
Question setters will be at liberty to introduce new variety of questions, braking trends and framing question in a particular way. Aspirants will have to deliberate harder to crack the question.
So, these were the common changes that will be made in JEE Advanced Exam. I hope the article is helpful for the JEE Aspirants
As per the latest information, it’s clear that the exam will be held completely in computer based test mode (Online Mode). Till, last year, the used to be conducted in pen and paper mode.
The decision is taken due to many reasons and one of the top reasons behind this change in JEE Advanced Exam mode is ‘errors in question paper’.
The Decision has been taken recently in Joint Admission Board (JAB).
JAB has set a sub committee to explore options of holding mock exams a week before the real exam. This committee was started for spreading awareness of new test pattern in rural aspirants who may face difficulties while accessing computer system.
Till IIT JEE 2017 Exam, candidates were allowed to take a copy of the optical answer sheets return to their home as a testament of their attendance in the examination.
But now in JEE Advanced 2018, Aspirants will get the answer sheets via email to the registered mail id.
Top 2,24,000 scorers of JEE Main 2018 Exam instead of 2,22,000 aspirants will be applicable to appear in JEE Advanced 2018 Examination.
There are few changes in Examination fee for JEE Advanced after GST. Get the complete fee details as provided below:
Exact GST (Goods and Service Tax) amount will be announced at the time of registration by government of India.
Now with the change in exam mode (Offline to Online), candidates will able to access to their keyboards. In previous JEE Advanced Exam Pattern, aspirants had to shade the correct answer in a bubble to the Optical answer sheet but from now aspirants should have to solve the question through calculation (if necessary) to give an answer. Due to this, the elimination and guess work is completely lost for the aspirants.
“Concept based question will increase, and the question pattern will change” official added quote according to times of India reporter.
Question setters will be at liberty to introduce new variety of questions, braking trends and framing question in a particular way. Aspirants will have to deliberate harder to crack the question.
So, these were the common changes that will be made in JEE Advanced Exam. I hope the article is helpful for the JEE Aspirants
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