What does it mean to have a passion?
What does it mean to have a passion? #life
3 answers
G. Mark’s Answer
A passion is something that excites you and makes you happy when you think about it or do it. A famous author once was asked how a person would know if they were a writer. The answer was that if you're a writer, you can't help yourself but to write. So you don't "become" a writer, but you already "are" a writer if you can't imagine being prevented from that.
The same thing applies to "Passion". You don't try to develop it, you already have it inside, and it hurts to try to avoid or deny it.
Passion will compel you to do things. And the cool thing about this is that you tend to be good at what you like, and you will tend to like what you're good at. And Passion fits in with this rather nicely.
George Bird, M.A.
George’s Answer
Krista’s Answer
I believe when you're doing 'it' and it gives you more energy, it means you really like doing it so it's a passion. When doing it takes away your energy it's absolutely not.
For example, I love walking the dogs. I love learning new things about the brain, it uplifts my mood and I feel better afterwards. Don't make it a huge thing, passion can be found in your day to day activities.