Is it best to chase after your dream or financial stability?
Everyone has that one thing they love to do, but know they probably won't make a lot of money from it though. Is it best to put stability over fun and passion? #philosophy #social-science-phd #social-science #social-sciences #career-counseling #career-choice #finance #business-finance #career-goals #purpose #passions
8 answers
Paul’s Answer
I know there are always going to be a lot of people in your social circle, who will tell you to always choose something where there is a lot of money.
But, if you are doing something that you dislike, than you are probably not going to be in it for very long, because you will be miserable and unhappy. Unhappy people make for bad employees and negatively impact the organization.
Now, if you are doing something you love to do, and you do it very well, I have observed that higher compensation usually follows the people who do this. So, if you do something well and love what you are doing, the money will follow you, and you are more likely to be happy and make a positive impact on your organization. So, in my opinion you can follow your dream and be well compensated for it.
Roxana’s Answer
You shouldn't need to choose between one or the other. Be intentional and build the life you want!

Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Marilyn’s Answer
This is a very popular question, but thanks for even asking. In the past, people who were chasing dreams were discouraged , and some still are. Those who discourage them are probably people who see dreams as financially unstable thoughts. Look at your interests and your material needs at the moment. We can't ever see the big picture of our lives, so consider it in segments. When you are young and have no responsibilities and more freedom, you can take more risks and experiment more. You are still learning about yourself. As you take on more responsibility, your material needs increase and your opportunities for experimentation are a bit more limited. Don't see this as either/or. Your life is a spectrum of opportunities, and nothing stays the same. Find your dream and identify how you can put it into practice in your own unique way. This is the age of entrepreneurship. Develop your own niche by following your dream, then market your way into financial stability. I always wanted to be creative and I loved people and helping them. I worked for years as a counselor in the schools and after retiring I have a private counseling practice and I am an artist. Best of luck.
Marilyn Lowry
Matt’s Answer
That's a great question! You will have to define for yourself what "financial stability" means, and how much money it will take for you to feel comfortable or "stable". Once you figure out a general idea of what you want (either a comfortable life or a lavish one), it will be easier for you to decide on how you can get to that life.
There are different ways to chase after your dreams, and it doesn't always involve making money. There are ways to make enough money to be stable, and then chase after your dreams in a different way.
Your priorities will also change throughout your life. Sometimes early in life you can focus on money, or vice versa. Dreams and financial stability don't have to be two sides of a coin, you can pursue both in different ways throughout your life.
Good luck to you!
Matt recommends the following next steps:
Jonny’s Answer
Shauna’s Answer
Jorge’s Answer
Hello David,
It is said that when you work doing what makes you feel passionate about you stop thinking about work as a "have to" and start feeling about it as a "want to" activity, nevertheless we need to be realistic and face the fact that our ideal job or professional activity might not be "right around the corner" or going to happen soon, so we all need to always be mindful to procure ourselves financial stability -even if it implies some personal sacrifice. One of the most important things when you have a dream is to write it down in paper and set a realistic date to achieve it and once you have set a date, your dream becomes and objective and if you go further and take the time to think about how to achieve it and write down the steps you need to take to achieve it, your objective becomes a plan and once you start taking action it becomes a reality.
Paul’s Answer
I know there are always going to be a lot of people in your social circle, who will tell you to always choose something where there is a lot of money.
But, if you are doing something that you dislike, than you are probably not going to be in it for very long, because you will be miserable and unhappy. Unhappy people make for bad employees and negatively impact the organization.
Now, if you are doing something you love to do, and you do it very well, I have observed that higher compensation usually follows them. So, if you do something well and love what you are doing, the money will follow you, and you are more likely to be happy and make a positive impact on your organization.