2 answers
If any, it’s there a difference between a male and female director?
I am very interested in the film industry to become a director as a female, and I was wondering if there’s any vast or different treatments between the 2 for example pay, respect, education, succes, creativity. #male #female # femaledirectors #film #filmindustry #directors
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2 answers
Rich’s Answer
Sadly, there still are differences in pay, success and respect, but it's changing. And the more female directors working, the better it will get, so rock on and get out there making your films. As for creativity and the rest, those are up the individual.
Joshua’s Answer
In terms of talent, no there are no differences. You mentioned creativity in your question -- and there is no difference in creativity either. Unfortunately there are fewer female directors than male directors, but that is changing. There is likely still a pay gap in Hollywood but don't let that stop you from wanting to be a director because then there will be one more female director!