2 answers
How does one prioritize life and the need for a job at the same time?
Its important to remember happiness it key when thinking about your future but also thinking about financial stability. So how can we as people make sure we start to prioritize life over and happiness over making sure things get done. #realworld #life
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2 answers
Chad’s Answer
Hi Ashley - this is a great question and one that you will likely struggle with no matter what profession you choose. While some will certainly come with higher expected wages and longer hours, most jobs will consume the majority of your work week. To me, it's all about prioritization and making sure that you are doing the little things that provide balance. I have a family, and for me this means getting to the office early each morning so I can make it home for dinner. Regardless, I find that when I'm able to spend more time with my family I am happier and more productive at work. I think tha is an important point. When you are happier with "life" you should be more effective at work. So find a balance that works right for you and understand what makes you happy.
Kevin P’s Answer
Ashley, some find joy and happiness in getting things done and they combine those two aspects of life. I’m not saying making work your life but it’s okay to enjoy those two together. Not necessarily separate from one another.
I love a good list and focusing on accomplishing things on my list. Sometimes during my work day I have personal things on that list and vice versa.
Now letting work consume you to the point where it is your identity it is who you are then that is not good. You need something the two. Hobbies, friends, weekends.
I found that allowing myself to be myself at both made me better at the other.
I’m not sure if that answered your question but I can say this has allowed me to be the best version of myself.
I love a good list and focusing on accomplishing things on my list. Sometimes during my work day I have personal things on that list and vice versa.
Now letting work consume you to the point where it is your identity it is who you are then that is not good. You need something the two. Hobbies, friends, weekends.
I found that allowing myself to be myself at both made me better at the other.
I’m not sure if that answered your question but I can say this has allowed me to be the best version of myself.