Do you have to love you job?
Does anyone really love what they do? #lovemyjob #career-counseling #career-path
5 answers
Lindsey’s Answer
The best, most high level advice I can give you without knowing much about you or what you aspire to do in life is to not settle. Try a bunch of jobs in as many industries and companies as you need to to find what makes you happiest. Once you find that niche, your niche, you'll know because you'll be proud to be doing what you're doing. You'll WANT to work!
Happy to answer any follow on questions you have. Let me know if you have any in a comment!
Bruno E.’s Answer
Jeanine’s Answer
Hi Jessica! I know that money is important. It allows us to live in a way that is comfortable. I definitely get that. I have tried to pick careers that would pay me the most money regardless if I liked it or not. The impact to your mental health and physical health can be rough if you are constantly sad or unhappy/stressed. Once I knew what my passion was (what kept me up at night), I was able to make a good living but also have a life outside of work that I loved as well. Life is short, and money will come and go. You have to love what you do in order to sustain for any long period of time. Good luck!
Tammie’s Answer
I think it is truly important to use the criteria of trying to find a job where you enjoy the work, enjoy the people you work with, and seek good management. It helps a great deal to have a job that allows you to use your talents and feel as if you are making a difference. Just because you are good at something does not necessarily mean you should be doing it because long term you will be unsatisfied. Any job will at times feel like "work" regardless of how passionate you feel about what you are doing, but to have lasting personal fulfillment and success will definitely depend on not only what you put into your role but also what you get out of it!
Mukhlis’s Answer
1. You love what you do: In this case you will want o work willingly, you'll do well and have a good career growth.
2. You don't love what you do: In this case, you will work only because you have to, so it will be monotonous and you won't want to work. You'll not see growth in this, but just a dull career.
So in short, do what you love to do, no matter what money you make from it. Think it this way, you have to come for work daily. Then you will have long working hours or difficulties in that. If you don't like your work, the job will seem to become a burden on you soon enough. You will start hating it one day. There's no point in doing a thing that you don't like, and that too everyday. Enjoy life, work for the job you love. It'll be as smooth as butter.