2 answers
What classes can I take to learn more about Greek and Roman Mythology in college
I’ve been very interested in Greek Mythology for a few years now, and I would love to learn more about it, but I have no idea what types of classes would teach about that sort of stuff #greekmythology
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2 answers
Eula’s Answer
Dear Julia,
Ancient Greece ( Macedonia ) and Ancient Rome (Italy) are called the cradle of civilization.
These Cultures have influenced modern society in ways that still impact us today. Government, Psychology, Law, Medicine, Arts, Ethics, Philosophy, Math, Architecture and so much more.
History is where you start.
What I mention above is not mythology, but mythology takes its roots in these ancient societies. They are fascinating indeed. I love them too and have studied them. I still use some ideas for my work today.
You see, as they believed in those times, God did not create the universe, The Universe created their Gods.
So they have many. In both Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece you will find they have similar beliefs, but different names for them.
You will come to know some of their gods: There are hundreds of them,
Zeus being the head, taking the place of his father, Cronos ( his mother is Gaia) and before them Uranus.
Athena, is the goddess of wisdom and justice. Artemis the goddess of the forest and hunting. Aphrodite is the one for love and marriage. Apollo (her brother) the god of music and medicine. Ares was the god of war. Poseidon the god of the ocean. Helios the god of the sun. They had gods for wine, for animals, for trees and flowers, for water, for everything.
those were times when people tried to understand the world, without the knowledge of science we have today. So they explained everything as from the Olympian Gods who lived in Olympus.
It a fanstastical idea, that cannot be called real nor it is as the religion of Christianty and church as we understand today.
From this belief came many forms and expressions. Beautiful sculptures and the greatest stories ever told.
Try to find and read the books: Aeneid, Oddysey and prometheus bound and the Trojan Horse.
they are wonderful stories that place you right back in the times of Ancient Greece.
Follow your heart if this makes you happy.
Start with History, find books at the library but do not forget about school and the other subject you have to take.
You will need them in the future.
Let me know if this helps OK?
Ancient Greece ( Macedonia ) and Ancient Rome (Italy) are called the cradle of civilization.
These Cultures have influenced modern society in ways that still impact us today. Government, Psychology, Law, Medicine, Arts, Ethics, Philosophy, Math, Architecture and so much more.
History is where you start.
What I mention above is not mythology, but mythology takes its roots in these ancient societies. They are fascinating indeed. I love them too and have studied them. I still use some ideas for my work today.
You see, as they believed in those times, God did not create the universe, The Universe created their Gods.
So they have many. In both Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece you will find they have similar beliefs, but different names for them.
You will come to know some of their gods: There are hundreds of them,
Zeus being the head, taking the place of his father, Cronos ( his mother is Gaia) and before them Uranus.
Athena, is the goddess of wisdom and justice. Artemis the goddess of the forest and hunting. Aphrodite is the one for love and marriage. Apollo (her brother) the god of music and medicine. Ares was the god of war. Poseidon the god of the ocean. Helios the god of the sun. They had gods for wine, for animals, for trees and flowers, for water, for everything.
those were times when people tried to understand the world, without the knowledge of science we have today. So they explained everything as from the Olympian Gods who lived in Olympus.
It a fanstastical idea, that cannot be called real nor it is as the religion of Christianty and church as we understand today.
From this belief came many forms and expressions. Beautiful sculptures and the greatest stories ever told.
Try to find and read the books: Aeneid, Oddysey and prometheus bound and the Trojan Horse.
they are wonderful stories that place you right back in the times of Ancient Greece.
Follow your heart if this makes you happy.
Start with History, find books at the library but do not forget about school and the other subject you have to take.
You will need them in the future.
Let me know if this helps OK?
Ismini’s Answer
A lot of colleges offer classes specifically on mythology from all different regions in the world. You can also take other ancient studies courses that will have aspects of mythology in them. Ancient Greek and Roman art, history, archaeology, and philosophy classes will all engage with mythology to some degree. You can also take Latin or Ancient Greek and read myths in their original language. Hope this helps!