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how should I begin performing?

Im in 12 grade i play piano and i am also in choir

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6 answers

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Edward’s Answer

Everywhere and anywhere my friend, Church is awesome, and you find some of the greatest stars started there. If you have musician buds hit the street even and set up somewhere you won't get hassled by the police. Everyone loves music and if you look on YouTube you will see some of the best performers. Good luck to you..
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Jessica’s Answer

My suggestion is to start with a guerilla marketing campaign. I learned about this in a class. It is just ,finding a creative way for people to get involved with your music. For example like street preformers.. you would need to have some type of creative way for people in the public to hear your music like flash mob or preform and involve the audience with prizes or book a show at a venue. Good luck!!
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Ryan’s Answer

Like the other answers on here. I'd find a friend or friends from Choir and form a group... practice...nothing sounds better than some vocal harmonizing!!! Ask your family and friends if there are any Birthday party's or family reunions you and your group/band can perform at....Go to the church....Any
church that plays music...not pushing any religiousagenda just saying Church bands rock !!!!!! And practice, practice, practice...!!! I can't say that enough....Practice and focus are your keys to success my friend !!!
God Bless and I hope you are successful in all of your endeavors!!!
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jeff’s Answer

Choir is a great place to start performing. Playing and singing with a group is a safe way to build up confidence in performing before a live audience. And can lead to opportunities for solos as you grow in skill and ability. Good luck.

jeff recommends the following next steps:

Talent shows are also an opportunity to showcase your talent.
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George F’s Answer

I recommend either starting or joining a group of like minded musicians to rehearse with.

Besides working on becoming ever more skilled as a player, It's also important to start building a repertoire of tunes that are favorites in the genre.

Assuming that making a living as a musician is the goal, then attending concerts or shows of those who are doing just that, will offer insight into the process.

George F recommends the following next steps:

Get used to the idea of studying and practicing. The more you know, the better the chance of having your skills appreciated.
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Crystal’s Answer

That is awesome that you are a musician and are in choir! I am a fellow professional musician and a singer. I have been performing since I was a little girl. I would say that there are lots of ways that you can start performing. Now a days, the internet is a great place to showcase your talent. Please be mindful that anyone can comment on your videos and it can be scary to put yourself out there but be confident in what you do. Ask your family and friends for advice. Find some of your friends or choir mates and try forming a little singing group where you can play for. A lot of churches have talent shows as well that you can maybe look into. If becoming a musician is your career goal, maybe consider looking into a music degree. Good luck and I wish you the best!