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How can I get a career in Literature ?

How can I get a good career in art cause I love reading books and also literature in English
I also love the books because it helps me understand and see through other people point of view

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Thao’s Answer

Hello Osita,

It's absolutely fantastic to hear about your eagerness to dive into the arts, with a keen interest in expanding your understanding through various viewpoints by reading books.

From my tenure as a marketing and market development professional, I've found that beginning with an Arts degree can be a great stepping stone. This degree offers a variety of majors such as sociology, psychology, history, and international relations, among others. These popular majors provide an excellent opportunity to broaden your knowledge about the world from diverse perspectives, thereby enriching your understanding of human behavior and global cultures.

Addressing the topic of careers in arts can be a bit challenging, as it's a vast field. There's a common misconception in society that an arts career lacks a promising future, particularly in terms of financial stability. However, it's crucial to remember that our society is built by people, for people.

To enhance your career prospects, I would suggest incorporating a few courses on AI and technology into your studies. This will equip you with relevant technical skills that can be applied across various fields, including arts careers.

For more specific guidance on arts careers, you might find these links helpful:

Wishing you the best of luck on your exciting journey!
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Kristine’s Answer

Hi Osita. Thanks for asking this question! I have undergraduate and graduate degrees in English Literature because I also love reading books and understanding different people's perspectives. Some things to consider about your career:
1. What you study (your college major, for example) and what you will do in your career do not have to be the same. My current work is in Customer Success, and I love it! I use the same interest in understanding people and their motivations to do certain things in my job that I used in my undergraduate classes when I wrote research papers about literature and books.
2. Think about what you like to do besides reading books. What jobs or volunteer activities have you done? What have you most liked about these experiences? This will help you understand your values and your skills which will help you decide what types of careers you're interested in.
3. If you feel stuck and want some ideas on what you can do with a degree in literature check out
4. If you are a college student, consider talking with someone at your college's/university's career center to discuss how you can connect an arts or literature major to careers and jobs that would be a good fit for your skills, values, and interests.
5. Another way to research is to use LinkedIn to find people with English, literature, or arts degrees and see their careers.

Good luck! Many people with literature or arts degrees work in well-paid and interesting careers!