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How do i overcome distractions?

I really want to be more focused so I need advice.

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Elyse’s Answer

Hi Oliver, something that really helps me is working in sprints, similar to the Pomodoro method. Basically, I like to lock in for let's say 30 min or 1 hour and then allow myself a short break to talk with friends for a bit or check my phone. Also, although studying with friends is a lot more fun than studying alone, sometimes it's not effective or productive at all. Instead, study without distractions efficiently and 'reward' yourself with a treat after you're done completing the task at hand.
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Simoni’s Answer

I completely understand your feelings, as I too have often found myself easily distracted. Over time, I've discovered the importance of identifying these distractions first, such as the television, passersby, my phone, or even the chirping birds outside. Once I recognized these, I made a conscious effort to eliminate them. I would switch off my phone notifications or keep it away entirely, draw the blinds to avoid gazing outside, or find a quiet place like a library to work in.

Remember, it may not yield results immediately, but persistence is key. Continue to practice this, and over time, you'll notice a significant improvement.

Stay positive and keep going, you can absolutely do this!
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Rob’s Answer

A helpful tactic I use is to find those people who are really good at the thing I want to learn, and learn from them. While you may not have ADHD, I would recommend learning about it, as those who do have it (or treat it) have spent alot of effort learning how to deal with distractions. This condition is known for having a struggle with distractions and so there is alot of material online or published in books that can help. Like I said, you might not have it, so the information about the condition itself may not apply, but the techniques they use to handle distractions can help anyone.
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Damon’s Answer

Discipline and patience. Separate yourself from what distracts you. Go to a quiet place like the beach, or a park, and focus on your task. For example: I learned that there is a difference between a Community College vs. a Private College. A Community College lets you get by with you doing barely little work to be done. In Private College, it's no joke. Concentrate on the task.
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Jerome’s Answer

Scheduling time and sticking with it are very important! I am someone who gets distracted easily and find that using my calendar and remembering that I only cheat myself by blowing things off has helped. Having a study buddy can also be very helpful.
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Jessica’s Answer

Hi Oliver,
Here are some suggestions.

To avoid distractions, it is important to implement effective strategies and establish a conducive environment for focused work. Here are some professional tips to help you avoid distractions:

1. Create a designated workspace: Set up a dedicated area where you can work without interruptions. This could be a separate room, a quiet corner, or even a specific desk or table.

2. Minimize digital distractions: Turn off notifications on your devices or put them on silent mode. Consider using productivity apps or browser extensions that block or limit access to distracting websites or apps during work hours.

3. Prioritize and plan your tasks: Make a to-do list or use a task management system to prioritize your work. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and allocate specific time slots for each task.

4. Practice time management techniques: Utilize techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for a set amount of time (e.g., 25 minutes) and then take a short break (e.g., 5 minutes). This helps maintain focus and prevents burnout.

5. Communicate your availability: Inform colleagues, family members, or roommates about your work schedule and request their cooperation in minimizing distractions during those times.

6. Manage your environment: Keep your workspace organized and clutter-free. Ensure proper lighting and temperature to enhance focus and comfort.

7. Take care of your physical and mental well-being: Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet. These factors contribute to improved concentration and reduced susceptibility to distractions.

8. Practice mindfulness techniques: Incorporate mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, to train your mind to stay present and focused on the task at hand.

Remember, avoiding distractions requires discipline and consistency. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you and adapt them to your specific work environment and personal preferences.

Hope this helps! You'll do great!
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deep’s Answer

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn is often credited with saying, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with". The idea is that the people we surround ourselves with can significantly impact our lives.
Be with people who likes you and pushes you to do better to yourself and your career.

This may help
1. Create a Structured Schedule
Plan Your Day: Use a planner or digital calendar to schedule your classes, study sessions, and other activities. Having a clear plan can help you stay focused and make the most of your time.
Set Priorities: Identify the most important tasks each day and tackle them first. This ensures that your priorities are met even if distractions arise later.
2. Designate a Study Area
Consistent Location: Choose a specific spot for studying—whether it’s a library, a quiet corner of a café, or a desk at home. Consistency helps condition your brain to enter a state of focus when you’re in that space.
Minimize Clutter: Keep your study area clean and organized to reduce physical distractions and help you concentrate.
3. Limit Technology Interference
Controlled Use of Devices: Turn off unnecessary notifications or use apps that block distracting websites during study hours. Consider setting specific times to check emails and social media.
Tech-Free Zones: Establish certain times or areas where technology is not allowed, helping you to disconnect and focus on the task at hand.
4. Set Specific Goals
SMART Goals: Make sure your study goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This clarity will keep you focused and motivated.
Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Large tasks can seem daunting and distracting. Breaking them down into manageable pieces can help maintain your focus.
5. Manage Time Effectively
Use Timers: Implement techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you focus intensely for short periods (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break. This can enhance productivity and prevent burnout.
Regular Breaks: Schedule breaks to clear your mind. Short pauses after focused study sessions can improve both mental stamina and concentration.
6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Regular Exercise: Physical activity can boost your brain function, improve your mood, and help you manage stress.
Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough rest. Sleep is crucial for cognitive function and overall well-being.
Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet to maintain energy levels and focus throughout the day.Go for Healthy Snack/Meal preps so you don't get junk into your body.
7. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation or Journaling
Mindfulness Exercises: These can enhance your ability to concentrate and stay present. Even a few minutes per day can make a significant difference.
Meditation: Regular meditation can help decrease stress and improve concentration, making it easier to manage distractions.
Journal: Write a journal to vent how you feel and what you think but make sure to keep it at a safe place, so your emotions and thoughts are not know to others.
8. Seek Support When Needed
Study Groups: Join or form study groups where members motivate each other and help maintain a focus on academic goals.
Counseling Services: Don’t hesitate to use campus resources like counseling centers if you're feeling overwhelmed or unable to concentrate.
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Rafael’s Answer

Hi Oliver! From personal experience to overcome distractions and be more focused, try these tips: identify and minimize distractions, create a productive workspace, prioritize tasks, use time management techniques, utilize focus-enhancing tools, practice mindfulness, take care of your well-being, set clear goals and rewards, and seek accountability and support. Remember, finding what works best for you may require some experimentation and consistency in implementing these strategies. Keep experimenting until you find what works best for you!
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Romir’s Answer

Hey Oliver! Great question, it's not always an easy issue to overcome. To overcome distractions and improve your focus, there are several strategies you can try. First, create a conducive environment for concentration. Minimize external distractions by finding a quiet and organized workspace. Remove or limit access to potential distractions such as social media notifications or noisy environments. Consider using productivity tools or apps that block distracting websites or apps during focused work periods.

Next, establish a routine and set clear goals. Create a schedule that includes dedicated time for focused work and breaks. Break down your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and set specific goals for each session. This can help you stay motivated and focused on completing one task at a time. Avoiding distractions isn't always about being able to work for an hour straight with no breaks, it can just be 20 minute sessions where you eliminate all distractions, then take a quick break before continuing the cycle.

Lastly, hold yourself accountable and track your progress. Set realistic goals and monitor your productivity. Celebrate small wins and make adjustments as needed. Consider finding an accountability partner or joining a study group to stay motivated and share strategies for overcoming distractions. Remember, overcoming distractions and improving focus is a gradual process. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you, because the only person that can hold yourself accountable, is you. Stay consistent, be patient with yourself, and celebrate your progress along the way.
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Joanna Rose’s Answer

Hello Oliver,

To overcome distractions, start by identifying the specific sources of distraction and actively removing or minimizing them in your environment. This could involve organizing your workspace, turning off notifications on devices, or setting boundaries with those around you during work or study hours. Implementing time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, can help you focus in short, productive bursts with scheduled breaks to refresh. Establishing a clear, structured daily routine also aids in building discipline and reducing the temptation to veer off task. Finally, mindfulness or meditation practices can enhance your ability to concentrate and remain present in the moment, further mitigating distractions.
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Daphney’s Answer


Great question! I was clinically diagnosed with ADHD when I was in nursing school. I was initially prescribed medications for the symptoms; however, I learned I was pregnant and decided to find a nonpharmacologic solution.

I suggest discovering who, what, when, where, why, and how you are distracted. Then, find solutions to facilitate good study habits that align with your learning style.

For example
Problem: I was married with two toddlers, was pregnant, and worked full-time as a registered nurse. I could not focus due to overstimulation, my busy life, and being easily distracted.

Solution: 1. Listen to classical music while studying to avoid distractions. 2. Waking up two hours earlier to study while everyone is sleeping. 3. Instead of studying at home, I would study in my office after my shift.

I sought the problem and changed my environment.

Best wishes!
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Tara’s Answer

Hi Oliver! I'm going to give you a nice, concise routine to immediately get you in the zone:

1. Take a few minutes to clear your workspace of clutter.
2. Wipe down your desk and computer.
3. Turn your phone off and hide it in a desk drawer.
4. Put on some lo-fi music or white noise.
5. Turn on some lamps instead of the overhead lighting.
6. Write down one thing that you would like to accomplish today (*set your intention).
7. Set a kitchen timer or your watch for 25 min (*the Pomodoro technique)
8. Once the time is up, take a break (*get up and move around)
9. Repeat steps 7-8 as necessary.