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can i learn new skills in one month?

can i learn new skills in one month?

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Rob’s Answer

You can learn a skill in as little as a few minutes. But how proficient you become in that skill will depend on the complexity of the skill, your propensity to perform it, and the amount of time you put into it.

Some skills are more complex than others. Take a new language as an example. In just a few minutes I could learn how to say hello, please, thank you, and good bye in a new language. It is a fairly basic skill. A much more complex skill is learning how to give directions to a destination in a new language. This requires knowledge of the language, but also idioms, cultural preferences (saying north/south, vs. left/right). So to get a good start within a month, focus on small subsets of the skill you are learning that will serve as a foundation for the bigger skill.

Not everyone has the same propensity for a skill. Learning to dunk a basketball is alot easier to someone who is 7 ft tall vs someone who is 5ft tall. You will need to be honest and accepting of your natural physical, mental, and emotional abilities. You are more likely to succeed at skill that align with your natural self, but you can learn ANY skill. The less aligned with your propensity, the longer it might take, or the more effort it might take.

Lastly, time. The reason it feels slow to learn a new skill is because people tend to accumulate their experience slowly. If you spend 10 minutes a day for a month you will get roughly 300 minutes of experience. If you increase that to 10 minutes 3 times a day, you will get 900 minutes that month. If you can increase that to 3 hours a day you have 90 hours a month... you get the idea. You will need to find a cadence, frequency, and duration that work for you. Avoid burnout by working slowly, and being kind on yourself for the challenges. If you have the time to commit to it you can make significant progress in a month. You can go from knowing nothing to being confident in a month if you put the time into it.

Learning can be fun! And it can be fast. If you have something fairly simple, aligned with your propensity, and you have some time to put into it, you can learn a skill very rapidly. Several magic tricks can be learned in less than an hour, and mastered in less than a 10 hours of hands on repitition. Many musical instruments can be learned enough to play simple tunes in as little as 20 hours. Here is a ted talk (youtube) that illustrates this point.

I hope you enjoy your learning journey! Learning something new is rewarding and fun! Enjoy it!
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Enise’s Answer

Hello there,

It is possible, but not swiftly.
Online volunteering is an option to gain your soft and hard skills and emotional intelligence skills.
Or you may apply a summer job after school and/or graduation, you may certainly gain some insightful experience(s) in your career.
Other than this, you may apply to a position of a role while studying.

I hope this helps.
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Gina’s Answer

Yes, it is possible to learn new skills in one month, depending on the complexity and depth of the skill you want to acquire. The time required to learn a new skill can vary based on factors such as the difficulty level, your prior knowledge or experience in related areas, the amount of time you can dedicate to learning, and your learning style.

Here are a few tips to help you effectively learn new skills within a month:

1. Set Clear Goals: Define what specific skill you want to learn and break it down into smaller, manageable sub-skills or topics. This will help you focus your efforts and track your progress.

2. Create a Learning Plan: Develop a structured plan that outlines the resources, materials, and learning activities you will engage in. This could include online courses, tutorials, books, practice exercises, or seeking guidance from experts in the field.

3. Allocate Dedicated Time: Consistency is key when learning new skills. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to focus on learning and practicing. Even short, focused study sessions can be effective.

4. Practice Regularly: Actively engage in hands-on practice to reinforce your learning. Apply the concepts or techniques you are learning in real-world scenarios or through practical exercises. This helps solidify your understanding and build muscle memory.

5. Seek Feedback and Support: If possible, seek feedback from experts or mentors in the field. They can provide guidance, correct any misconceptions, and offer valuable insights to help you improve.

6. Stay Motivated and Persistent: Learning new skills can be challenging, so it's important to stay motivated and persistent. Celebrate small victories along the way and remind yourself of the benefits and rewards that come with acquiring the skill.

Remember, the depth of mastery will vary depending on the complexity of the skill. While you may not become an expert in a month, you can certainly gain a solid foundation and understanding of the skill within that timeframe. Continued practice and application beyond the initial month will help you further refine and develop your proficiency.
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John’s Answer

Yes - in fact many new skills. IBM has a platform which is free for students - which provides badges in AI, Cloud, Design.... and they are all bit sized but all industry recognised...

John recommends the following next steps:

check out IBM Skills Build -
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Jerome’s Answer

Depending on the skill, it is very possible!

Like others have shared, if something is important to you, the best thing to do is to dedicate time to it each week. You can also find someone else that knows how to do that thing and ask for their guidance.

If you put your mind to it, I am sure you can figure it out!
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Astrid’s Answer

Hi Stephen, hope you've started working on this skill.

The important thing when learning a skill is being consistent. I recommend you start ASAP if you haven't yet. Make time everyday to review what you learned and build on that. I'd recommend a review of the previous session's material and continue with new content and maybe every week do a recap of everything you learned that week and revisit anything you struggled with.

Your learning style is something you want to take into great consideration. Maybe you're more of a visual learner and need video demonstrations vs reading steps or about the skill.

Some people swear by the Pomodoro method, where you study/work for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. This is a strategy for those longer working sessions. The human attention span is short so make sure you take breaks as needed and keep things engaging. Maybe do a little bit of practice in between or have a study buddy.

I wish you the best in your journey with this new skill!
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Pamela’s Answer

Hi Stephen. I hope you are having a great day. It is possible to learn new skills in a month. Advancement will depend the type skill you are learning, on the time you have to devote to learning the new skill, and your ability to apply what you learn into practice. Your local library might be a great resource for learning new skills for free or low cost, either through their partnerships with learning and development businesses and/or through in-person presenters on a wide variety of topics. May you achieve your goals!
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Alexa’s Answer

Hello Stephen,

I am of the opinion that acquiring new knowledge or skills within a month is entirely feasible. However, the ease and speed of your learning process will largely depend on the complexity of the subject matter and your personal attitude towards it.

In the present day, there's an abundance of free learning resources readily available. Nonetheless, as the old adage goes, 'practice makes perfect.' It's through repetition and consistent effort that we truly master a new skill.

If your objective is to learn something new within a month, I suggest you establish a specific timeframe and location for your learning sessions. Also, decide on the days you'll dedicate exclusively to applying your newly acquired skills throughout the month. To enhance your learning experience, create a comfortable and conducive environment. Adopt a learning method that you find most effective in absorbing and retaining information.

Wishing you great success in your learning journey!
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Rafael’s Answer

Hi Stephen! Yes, it is possible to learn new skills in one month. The amount of time it takes to learn a new skill can vary depending on the complexity of the skill and the amount of time and effort you are willing to dedicate to learning it. However, with focused practice and consistent effort, you can make significant progress in acquiring new skills within a month. Believe in yourself and your ability to learn!
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Martha’s Answer

Absolutely, you can acquire new knowledge within a month. Begin by setting aside small chunks of time each day, perhaps starting with just 15 minutes. As time progresses, slowly expand this learning period throughout your day, week, and month. To ensure you stick to this, consider scheduling these learning sessions into your daily planner.
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Muhammad Hassan’s Answer

It Takes One Month Of Consistently Doing Something To Make It A Habit & Part Of Your Routine. If You Spend 20 Minutes (For Example) Practicing A Skill, You Can Learn A Lot & Become Better Every Single Day. Also, Learn From People Who Have The Desired Skill Because They Can Give Valuable Insight