How do you make an engineering portfolio?
I know it is always recommended in the engineering field to have your personal projects so that companies can see your hands-on skills and your actual interests in the field. But I have no clue how these portfolios should look like. Is it supposed to be a personal website? Do I need to have a photo album on hand for interviews? Is it just a word document? How on earth do I even start one? How is an engineering portfolio supposed to or recommended to look like? I would really appreciate a general format suggestion, that would help a lot.
3 answers
Jessica’s Answer
Great question! I second the above answers that you do not need to have a highly detailed portfolio at your stage. But it can be an advantage to showcase any engineering projects you've done in a way that tells a story about your skills in a more engaging way than résumé text, and a portfolio is a nice way to do that. Content is far more important than the presentation, so this could be as simple as the 3-ring binder mentioned, or why not make one in Canva, Google Slides, or PowerPoint? Lots of different types of professionals host theirs online, and there are services like Squarespace and Wix that have templates and make it easy to build and host a web portfolio even if you're not a web developer. Here is a page from the freelancing site Behance that shows a range of different types of engineering portfolios so you can get an idea what some look like.
Hope this helps!
Jerry’s Answer
An engineering portfolio could be as simple as a 3-ring binder (so you can add things and rearrange) with examples from your life while in school: maintaining your bicycle, skateboard, car, your electronic equipment, etc. Emphasis should be on modifications you made to make the item work better, or run better. After college or between semesters keep adding to the portfolio. Photos are good. Mention of your work - especially in engineering type projects needs to be added.
While in college make contact with the administration - professors, placement office, etc., - let them know you are interested in internships and projects where you can gain experience and make possibly some money. Unless you are on a "full ride"or academic scholarship, money is important.
Look at the engineering portfolio as an enlarged resume. The prime thing is to think of "where do I want to be in 5-years? - or 10-years?" and build a "story" around this. This may be important to your prospective employer. Search the web for engineering resumes. Just follow the format of the sample resumes that "speak to you"
Kris’s Answer
Your resume should highlight not just your degree and GPA, but also your unique interests and affiliations. This could be an engineering fraternity, volunteer organizations, sports teams, musical pursuits - anything that helps you shine as an individual, not just a collection of words on paper.
During the interview, demonstrate an eagerness to work, learn, adapt, and collaborate as part of a team when necessary. Show that you have strong communication skills. With this approach, I have no doubt that you'll succeed.